Egg is fertilized -
Period: to
The egg is fertilized, enters a 2 week period of rapid cell division, develops into an embryo. -
Period: to
The developing human organism from 2 weeks through 2nd month -
Period: to
The developing human organism from 9 weeks after conception to birth -
Period: to
Oral Stage
This stage lasted from birth until I was 21 months, I was seeking for pleasure through my mouh. Anything that I could find duirng this time I would put it in my mouth,toys, shoes, even fingers. Luckily I got through it, or else I could of ended up a smoker and depending heavily on other people. -
Period: to
Trust versus Mistrust
I learned that the world will provide for my needs. This sense of trust developed, thanks to my mother's reliabilty, care, and affection, carried on through the rest of my life. -
Trust Versus Mistrust
I woke up in the middle of the night starving, and all I could do was cry. My mother came in the room, She calmed me down swinging me back and forth with affection, and thanks to my roothing reflex and sucking reflex when she placed her breast on my cheeck I turned my head to the side towards it and put it into my mouth and started sucking so I was fed. This event not only build a sense of trust but also attachment between me and my mom -
Rolling over
For the first time i start to roll over when I am laying down, this shows that my motor control is developing as neurons in my brain connect with one another and become myelinated. -
TIckling my feet
My uncle stroked my foot, and when he did I spread my toes. This is because of the babinski reflex -
Sensorimotor stage (Schemata creation)
Today I met something strange, everyone calls it a dog, I've been using this experience to develop my first cognitive schemata that helps explain this experience through my senses. Next time i sense this smell, or see the same shape I'll know I have met a dog. -
First Steps
I managed my first steps on this day, it is within the developmental norm as it meet the standards by which the progress of a child's development can be measured. -
Preoperational Stage (First Words)
I said my first word, "mom", marking the beggining of language for me. From now on I will be able to refer to the world trhoug symbols. -
Period: to
Anal Stage
During this time I was starting to derive pleasure from the erogenous zone of my anus by crontrolling my bladder and bowel movement, that is why I was being taught how to potty train. -
Sensorimotor Stage (Object Permanence)
Today my mother was able to apear and dissapear, simply by saying peek-a-boo! This is before I had developed object permanence, so whenever my I could not see my mom when she covered her face with her hands, I thought she was not there! -
Playing with my toys
When i was introduced to my favorite toy, it was placed into my palm and i tried to grasp it with my fingers straight away, this is because of the grasping reflex -
While i was taking a nap one day, a door slammed shut because of the wind and it startled me. When i gto startled i flung my limbs out and quickly retracted them, trying to make myself as small as possible, this is because of the moro reflex. -
Period: to
At this time I was most likely to make the decision that avoided punishment, my moral reasoning was limited to how the choice affected myself. -
Period: to
Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt
This stage was during my early childhood, where i learned autonomy and potty training was an early effort at gaining this control. I also managed to control my temper during this stage. My most frequently used word was "No". These experiences helped me develop a healthy will, which allowed me to gain control over my own body body and emotional reactions. -
Autonomy versus shame and doubt
My first attempt at potty training, I had a need to develop a sense of personal control over my physical skills and a sense of independence. After succesfully managing this task, I was able to gain autonomy. -
Strange Situation
Today my parents left me alone for a short period of time, as they went to get more diapers from another room, and then returned. While my parents where with me I did my fare share of exploring the room, however when they left i got really worried and started to cry and finally i saw them come back into the room and i hurried into their arms. This means that I have a secure attachment with my parents. -
Period: to
Initiative versus Guilt
At this age I began to be very inquisitive, this is because i trusted those around me and felt control of my body, and felt a natural curiosity about my surroundings.I started taking initiative in problem solving and was encouraged to do so, which made me feel comfortable about asking questions. -
Period: to
Phallic Stage
During this stage I was 3 to 6 years old and it was when I realized my gender, this process is called Oedipus Complex. During this time I resented my gather's relationship with my mother. -
Grandfather passed away
After my grandfather passed away I noticed how sad my mom was, this capacity to form opinions about the cognitive states of other people shows that I had reached theory of mind -
Initiative versus guilt
Although I suffered stranger axinety when I first met my teacher, eventually I began asking a ton of questions, mainly about fingerpainting, that she was more than happy to answer. From then on I've always fel;t comfortable about expressing my curiosity. -
Moral Reasoning (Preconventional)
Today my mom made cookies and told us not to eat them before dinner, however while she was in the bath I ate 2. When she noticed that some where missing she asked me whether I ate some, and I lied and blamed it on my brother. This shows that my moral reasoning is limited to how the choice affected me, and I made the decision which was more likely to help me avoid punishment. -
Hanging with a horse
Today I hanged out with a horse, i knew it was a horse because although i had never seen it before it had a certain height and color that i recognized, this process is assimilation. -
A strange horse!
Today I met a weird animal. I thought it looked a bit strange, the color was different than what I have seen before, until i got told that it was a horse. I had to accomodate this new information and change my schema to include that horses can be brown too! This process is called accomodation -
Preoperational Stage (Egocentric)
I asked my mom to get the ball from under a bush, she kept saying she couldn't see it from where she was even though I could see it from where i was. This is beacuse at that time i was egocentric, and thought that everyone saw the world from the same perspective as me. -
Period: to
Industry vs. Inferiority
This stage marked te beggining of my formal education, where I was asked to produce work which was evaluated. Because i was getting good grades I felt competent next to my peers. -
Industry Versus Inferiority
My first days of school, we were tested on the alphabet and I already knew it so I got one of the highest scores and it made me feel competent because I performed well compared to my peers. I was able to learn from the More Knowledgeable other (MKO), which refers to anyone who has a better understanding thant the learner such as my teacher. My learning occured during the Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD), the distance betweenmy ability to perform a task under guidance and independently. -
Preoperational Stage (Symbols)
I realized that my teddy, represents an animal called the bear. I have started using symbols to represent real-world objects. -
Period: to
During this level or reasoning I moved past personal gain or loss and looked at the moral choice through others' eyes. My moral choices were based on how others would view them. -
Concrete operations
When I took apart the legos today, I knew that the amount remained the same even though they were spread out and it made them look like there where more. I had demonstrated knowledge of concepts of conservation, in this example it was with area. -
Moral Reasoning (Conventional)
My friend started teasing an unpopular kid, if I tried to stop them then they would not think I was cool, so I just watched. This is conventional moral reasoning, because I moved past personal gain or loss and made my choice based on how others will view me. I didnt want them to make me an outcast, so my choice was to not stand up for him. -
Period: to
Genital Stage
After my latency stage, a time between the ages of 6 and puberty of low psychosexual anxiety, I entered the genital stage and remained in it for the rest of my life. My sexual focus during this is my genitals, and I have stayed fixated in this stage. My goal for this stage is to establish a balance between the various life areas. -
Period: to
During this time I wa trying to discover which social identity I was most comfortable with. I did this by trying to fit into different groups in order to feel confident about my identity. At the end of this stage I had figured out a stable sense of self. -
Formal Operations (Metacognition)
Today I met Sameem he is new to school. When I met him i kept trying to remind myself that I should remember his name, as I always seem to forget the name of people I meet. This shows that I was gaining the ability to think about the way I think, called metacognition. -
Formal Operations
I got an assignment for English where we had to reason what the world would be like if there was no air, and I got an A. Even though there was no-realworld model for me to fall back on, I was able to extrapolate from this hypothesis and reason acordingly. -
Period: to
In this stage I had reached moral reasoning, I examined the rights and values involved in the choice when making a decision. Also self-defined ethical pruinciples are involved in the reasoning in this stage. -
Identity versus role confusion
Once i reached adolescence I was trying to find a social identity that best fit my internal sense of self, I was able to fit into a group of kids by making it on the school soccer team, this made me feel confident and accepted. -
Period: to
Intimacy vs. Isolation
During this time I was trying to form loving relationships with other people, While learning to balance the ties and eforts between work and relationships, such as my marriage and work. -
Intimacy versus islation
This is the day I established a bond with my best friend from school, I got married. I started trying to figure out how to balance my ties and efforts between work and relationships. -
Moral Reasoning (Postconventional)
I am incharge of filling a position in my firm and my friend Arran has applied and is qualified, however another person has also applied and is even more qualified. In the end I put my friendship aside, and chose the person that was the most qualified. This showed moral reasoning from my part, because after examining the rights and values involved in the choice and using my self-defined ethical principles I reasoned not to be bias. -
Period: to
Generativity vs. Stagnation
During this time I focused on nurturing my children, while i looked critically at my life path and tried to ad generativity, in order to succeed and have feelings of usefulness and accomplishment. -
Period: to
Integrity Versus Despair
During this time I looked back on my accomplishments and reflected whehter I was sattisfied with them, and I was. As most people I had some regrets, but my accomplishments that I was proud of outnumbered those regrets. Once i saw that my life had been meaningful I was able to take a step back, without stress and pressure from society and could offer some wisdom and insight with my crystallized intelligence. -
Generativity vs stagnation
I decide that me and my family should live abroad, I need to see more of the world while I still can. So I go ahead and get a job in England, London and take my family with me.I want to be happy and fulfilled with my self-concept. I do this because I have started looking critically at my life path and I awnt to make sure that I am creating the life that I want for myself and my family. -
Integrity versus despair
I've looked back and decided that I am satisfied of my accomplishments. On this day I realize that although I've lived most of my life, i couldn't be any happier. My maturation helps me react to the situation or enviroment in a suitable manner. -
Soon after New Years on 2081, my old age caught up to me. And following the social clock appropiately, i passed away, luckily without having suffered alzheimer's disease.