I was conceived! -
Period: to
Trust vs Mistrust
Erik Erickson experiencing trust or mistrust -
Period: to
Sensorimotor stage
Piaget exploring the new world -
Period: to
Preconventional stage
Moral development - Stage where morality is something that makes one free from punishments -
First exploration -sensorimotor stage
I explore the world for the first time, crawling and using my senses. I taste everything, from my toe to table and incessantly look around -
first walked
Period: to
Autonomy vs Shame
Mom's love -Trust
I experienced trust by mom's constant and sufficient love -
Period: to
Preoperational stage
First word- Preoperational stage
aquired language skills! -
Thought that mother was the only job available until my uncle asked me what I wanted to be -
Soiled myself :(
Thought all little siblings were male because of my neighbor, but mom brought a sister and assimilated that information- siblings can be either male or female- into my schema. -
Potty training - Autonomy
I pooped by myself for the first -
Period: to
Initiative vs Guilt
Fight with little sister -egocentrism
took away my 1 year old sister toys and claimed it was mine and never gave it back -
Started being so inquisitive- initiative
asked tons of questions to mom and she got annoyed -
Period: to
Industry vs inferiority
Got beaten severly after stealing coins on the table. Then realized that stealing IS bad. -
First entered school - Industry
First entered preschool -
Period: to
Concrete operations
Period: to
Conventional stage
Moral development- Stage where morality is what other people regard as being good. -
Concept of conservation -concrete operational stage
I learned concept of conservation playing with cups and bowls in water -
Period: to
Formal operations
Developed inferiority issues
first realized that I was uglier and fatter than any other kids because of calling my names and developed inferiority issues over appearances -
first menstruation -
Helped disabled friend - conventional
Helped a disabled friend not because I thought he needed help but because people would think I'm a good person -
Adolescence - Role confusion
Thought I was someone who I completely wasn't and was uncomfortable in that situation -
Period: to
Identity vs Role confusion
In other people's shoes - preoperational stage
I rekindled my relationship with my mom by thinking about why she acted that way to me. -
Period: to
Postconventional stage
Moral development- stage where morality is evaluated by one's distinct standards and values -
I discover who I really am and who I want to be -
Period: to
Intimacy vs isolation
Start working - isolation
Start experiencing the real world-society- and realize you're actually alone in the world -
Find a companion and feel intimacy -
Have children- intimacy
Feel intimate with my husband and my baby -
Period: to
Generativity vs Stagnation
Work is going well, children are growing up finely. I'm confident that this is the life that I wanted -
Children hit puberty - Isolation and stagnation
As children hit puberty, I lose the sense of intimacy and wonder if it was the life that I wanted -
Quit job -stagnation
I quit my job because I am not sure this is what I want for my life and feel very incompetent -
Have grandchildren- generativity
I like my life once again -
Period: to
Integrity vs Despair
slight loss of hearing
Parents pass away - despair
I start thinking about life and death and gets scared of death -
slight loss of memory
Look at my husband and family all gathered around me while I peacefully die and think: I’m glad I was born