I was born, Physically came onto the world. 10 toes and 10 fingers. -
The earliest period of childhood, especially before the ability to walk has been acquired.Iam now exposed to the world to sound touch, smell, light -
Period: to
SENSORIMOTOR STAGE Reflexes Piaget's theory of cognitive development.
Reflexes (0-1 month) Only having basic reflexes suxh as sucking and looking at objects trying to make sense of them. additionally the relexes i was born with like the Rooting reflex, Sucking reflex, Grasping reflex,Moro reflex,Babinski reflex -
Period: to
Primary Circular Reactions (1-4 months)
This is a substage within sensorimotor this stages involves little me incorparting new shemas for instant since i don't remember my infancy due to infantile amnesia my birth giver(MOM) was the perfect source she claims that i used to suck my little hands- that is a normal thing at a stage like this because i might have found that action pleasurable and repeatedly did it until..Also in this stage is begin to +Babble +bring hand to mouth +first smile -Source mother -
Substage: Secondary Circular Reactions (4-8 months) - March 1)
Substage: Little me is now more focused onto the world and will do things on purpose just to get a response- for example i had a many chewing toys especially a colourful butterfly one that i would try to nibble on because it lit up everyone i chewed on it (Source MOTHER)
I developed; + babble chain of words +Can tell smotion by tone of voice +Full colored vision +I respond to my own name when called. -
Coordination of Reactions (8-12 months) - Aug 11
I begin exploring the environment around me and will often model the behavior of others. The understanding of objects also begins during this time and i begin to recognize certain objects as having specific qualities. like my singing horse i recognize that it sings when i press it so i press it for music.Also i + crawl on my belly and hold furnitures to walk around +i sit without help + Starts to babble baby language and also mama and dada my favourite word was boom- Source mom -
Early Representational Thought (18-24 months Final Sensomotor Stage
i begin to undertstand the world through my mental thoughts rather then by my actions. This is a critical age because i begin to walk on my own and this will set me off for life + begin to show defiant behavior + talks 2-4 sentences Autonomy vs. Shame and doubt mom states that i had no problem in toilet training developed a sense of personel control over my physical skills also i was very independent a kid which resulted in me being independent now. -
Tertiary Circular Reactions (12-18 months)
A Year Old At this substage of the sensorimotor stage i might do things to get my parents attention- the period of trial and error as stated +Crawl on my belly +Grab things to walk around the house this is the time period where i would mess with my mom's makeup and dad's work papers because i can reach high places i was a little exploror - source mom + first word dada and mama +Reach sitting position without help.Trust vs. Mistrust "feeding" developed a sense of trust with my mom and affection -
Preoperational Stage (2-7years old)
This is stage where i use intuition rather then logical thinking, The preoperational stage occurs roughly between the ages two and seven. This is also a critical period for language development. In this stage i do not yet understand concrete logic, cannot mentally manipulate information, and are unable to take the point of view of other people, which is also known as egocentrism. i was unable to find a life event percicely to this- my sorce does not remember (MOM) -
PreSchool 3- 5 years Initiative vs. Guilt
picture: --Exploration my parents would take me to the beach alot as a kid and the sea shore was were i'd have my little adventures, this is where my sense of purpose increased. -
Period: to
PreSchool 3- 5 years Initiative vs. Guilt
Exploration my parents would take me to the beach alot as a kid and the sea shore was were i'd have my little adventures, this is where my sense of purpose increased. -
Period: to
6-12 years School Age Industry vs. Inferiorty Concrete Operational Stage
Industry vs.Inferiority did well in school as a kid so i developed a sense of success +Logic (Inductive logic ) + Reversibility -
Period: to
Adolescense (12-18 years) Identity vs. Role Confusion also Formal Operational Stage
Social Relationships- Fitting in was never a problem to me but over the period of my high school years i realized i didnt want to fit into one particular clique i'am a nomad i migrate from one to another so due to that i'am still in search of who i'am. +Logic(deductive logic) developed +abstract thought +Problem solving +also have fluid intelligence and i hit puberty which changes the way my psychological being. -
Period: to
19-40 years Young Adulthood Intimacy vs. Isolation
Relationships - Meet my husband in sophmore year of college . Intimacy developed which leads marriage by 25 and to a happy strong relationship also build on trust because i never had trust issue with mycaregiver. WIll be a scienctist and a neurologist because of my curious personality and artistic ability. -
Period: to
Middle Adulthood 40-65 Generativity v.s stagnation
Work and parenthood. At this point in my life span i don't have children but i've cured cancer because i'am a scientific researcher; which serves as the positive change and benefits the world i know have a sense of usefullness to humanity. -
Period: to
Maturity to death 65 Ego integrity vs despair
My time has come i reflect back on my life and admire my accomplshments as the exploring toddler and confused teenager who found her way and the successful young adult that made history by curing cancer i'am pleased by my past life and wouldnt mind dying now that i have a sense of fullfillment i'am now filled with wisedom and crystallized intelligence. I also hit menopause. -
I dont die of any disease it was just my time to go, my time to leave a mark of history behind i dont go through Elizabeth Kubler Ross's Stages of Death and Dying because i have fullfilled my journey and now i'am expired. Death is the final stage of the human development Death will not affect me physically, or emotionally but it will for the people me them. It is the end to a life, but at the same time, a new beginning. finally at peace.