My conception; when I became a zygote
This is, many would say, the very first step of my existence. From here, I gradually started to develop from a fertilized egg into a human being. -
Zygote to embryo
After 2 weeks of rapid cell divison, I finally became an embryo. -
Emrbyo to fetus
9 weeks after my conception, I have developed into a fetus, and will stay one until my birth -
Teratogen prevention
When I was concieved and in my mother's womb, she did not consume any teratogens that would've affected me and caused me any harm when I would be born. -
The day I escaped my bioligical pod
On this day, all of the developmental stages began. On this day, I started to begin my life journey of 53 years. -
Crystalized Intelligence
Crystallized intelligence, the knowledge I learn throughout my entire life through experiences, starts from the day I was born, until around the age I become 65. From then on, it starts to decrease. -
Period: to
Sensorimotor Stage
According to Jean Piaget's stage theory, during this time period, I would depend on my senses and the refelxes I was born with to explore my surroundings. -
Period: to
Oral Stage
During this stage of my development, I would learn about my environment, and seek pleasure by putting objects in my mouth. -
Period: to
Trust vs. Mistrust
During this stage, according to Erik Erikson, in order to feel safe in my envrionment, I would need to know that I can trust the people around me. I would cry when I need something and if people responded to me with what I want, then I can trust them . -
Oral Stage
Me during the oral stage (see timespan on oral stage for more information). -
Developed object permanence
Around the age of 8 months, I developed object permamnence, and realized that things do exist even if they are out of my sight. -
End of infantile amnesia
The very first thing I remember is me sitting on a high chair in Turkey. I believe this was the end of my infantile amnesia. -
Period: to
Anal Stage
There may have been issues when I was being toilet trained. According to Sigmund Freud, I may be over-controlling, but I don't believe I am. -
Period: to
Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt
During this stage I would try to control myself and others and see how far I can control things before I go too far. -
Stranger Anxiety
I experienced stranger anxiety for the first time on this day. My parents tried to introduce me to a man that was their friend, I just hid behind my mom and held on to her leg. -
Period: to
Preoperational Stage
Language is the most important congnitive development in this stage. According to Piaget I would've spoken my first words around this time period. Also, since I was still limmited in my thinking, I was still egocentric since I couldn't look at this things through other people's perpecive. -
Period: to
Phallic Stage
When I was 3-6 years old, according to Freudian psychology, I went through the phallic stage. During this stage, I would begin to realize my gender and learn physical differences between genders. Also, I would start to think there is a competition between my mother and I for my father. If there were any problems in this stage, I would possibly develop problems with relationships later on. -
Period: to
Inititative vs. Guilt
During this stage I was becoming inquisitive and curious about my environment. I remember constantly asking my family questions about why the sky was blue or my I have an occasional itch on my arm. After a while, they would get aggrevated and tell me "I don't know, stop asking to many questions." or "God made it that way." -
Showing signs of secure attachment
On a trip to Malaysia with my parents, I remember being lost in a crowded lobby in our hotel. I panicked and tried to find my way back to my parents, and when I did I felt relief. -
Changed my schema
I went the States and visited a relative's house. They had a really big dog, and at the time, I was afraid of dogs because my mom was afraid of them. When I got there, the dog jumped on me a licked my face. After that, I realized dogs aren't that scary, I started to like them ever since. -
The day I started Kindergarten
When I started kindergarten, I was 5 and was still in the preoperational stage. In kindergarten, I started to learn language and a lot of ther things, and that helped me slowly learn study skills over the years. -
Period: to
Industry vs, Inferiority
When I first go to kindergarten and begin to be evaluated for my work and realize that I need to keep up with everyone else or else I won't be as good as everyone else. -
My sister moved to Canada
After my sister left for university, I lost the closest person to me. I began to be slightly more independent after that. -
Period: to
Latency Stage
Freud hypothesized that children go through a period of calm called the latency stage. I would've gone through it during this time period and during the stage, I would've realized that there is no threat between my mother and I will begin to identify with those of my same gender. -
Preconventional moral reasoning
I was at school with my best friend at the time, and one of our classmates was bothering us. Then, the classmate shoved my friend and my friend and I conspired against the other girl. We thought about breaking her pencils when she wasn't looking, but then I decided that we would get in trouble and that we shouldn't do it. This shows my moral thinking based on Kohlberg's 1st moral development stage. -
Moved to Canada
On this day, I moved to Canada after having lived in Saudi for 6-7 years. I believe this impacted me greatly because I socialized with a lot more people. In Jeddah I pretty much only had one friend growing up, and now I had to interact with more people in a language I was yet to learn. -
Developed conservation
At the age of 7, I gained the ability to keep in mind what stays the same and what changes in an object even after it has changed in shape or size. -
Zone of proximal development
According to Lev Vygotsky, the zone of proximal development is the types of things that children can do independently and those they need assistance and support with. I believe that when I was learning the multiplication tables in elementary school, I did well in the classwork when the teacher guided us through it. However, when the homework for the lesson was assigned, I needed to go to my parents for help because I was struggling to do it on my own. -
Period: to
Concrete Operations
During this stage, I began to think of things more logically and developed concepts of conservation. -
A lot of times, during elementary school, I wouldn't ask many questions because I would be afraid that people would get annoyed with me (refer to inferiority vs. guilt timespan), and that may be why my grades weren't that great. -
I was walking with my mother in Montreal's Gay Village when I saw a couple that consisted of 2 men. It was then that I accomodated my thinking to fit the idea that a couple does not only have to be a man a woman; there can also be same-sex couples. -
This is around the time that I first started menstruating. At this point, I basically turned into a woman. Physically I did, anyway. -
Inferiority complex
In Canada, I went to a French school, and when I started I didn't know a single word in French. Since then, I felt that I needed to do as well or better than my peers (which means I had an inferiority complex), and so this may have been one of the reasons why I read a lot of French books growing up; to expand my vocabulary. This explains Erikson's industry vs. inferiority stage (see timespan). -
Convetional moral reasoning
I remember doing a lot of small and random good deeds when I was around this age because I thought that it would be make me look good in front of my parents and I always wanted to make them proud of me. This shows proof of Kohlberg's second moral development stage. -
Period: to
Conventional Moral Reasoning
I remember doing a lot of small and random good deeds when I was around this age because I thought that it would be make me look good in front of my parents and I always wanted to make them proud of me. This shows proof of Kohlberg's second moral development stage. -
Period: to
Genital Stage
Final stage in Freud's psychosocial development theory.During this stage, every part of one's life is dominated by the maturation of sexual interests. I would enter this stage during puberty and would remain in this stage until the rest of my life. -
Moved back to Saudi Arabia
I moved back to Saudi Arabia right before the start of 7th grade. This affected me because I was used to the open-minded thinking and freedom of Cananda. But when I moved back here I remembered that it's way different, and that I'm going to be held back by the restraints that come with living here. -
Period: to
Formal Operations
Abstract reasoning such as hypothesis testing is developed in this stage. -
Struggling with identity and self-concept
Time where I felt alone, didn't know who were really my friends. I faced my problems head on, continuing the quest to find who I am. This may have caused me to trust people less, and to change my self-concept. -
Started high school
This day is when I started high school, I believe that on this day, I decided to truly focus on my studies rather than to solely focus on friends and having fun. This may have been the approximate time where I started adolescence, and went of the quest of my true self-identity. -
Postconventional moral reasoning
I was with a friend of mine at the super market. The super market is very well known in the region and the owners are very successful. My friend just took a chocolate bar and ate it, and disposed of the wrapper. He justified his reasoning by saying that the place overprices everything anyway, and that they make enough profit for him to take that chocolate bare without it being considered stealing. This changed my moral thinking. (See postconventional moral reasoning timespan) -
Period: to
Postconventional moral reasoning
The event I mentioned for this morality stage lead me to change my moral thinking. Not that I would steal things, but there is always another side to the story/ -
Period: to
Identity vs. Role Confusion
I will find different identities I think I feel comfortable with until I find the final one that will determine who I become. -
Permissive Parents
It was around this time that I realized that even though my parents believe that they are authoritative parents and that every rule they set must be followed, their true style of parenting is permissive because everytime they set a rule and I break it the consequence does not last very long, and the rule tends to disappear. -
Period: to
I believe that during this time span I have mentally matured the most. At the beginning of this time period, I was the heaviest I've ever been in my entire life. I decided I really needed to do something about or else everything would become even worse. Ever since then, I've lost 13 kilos and I'm trying to hopefully not gain it back. -
Move back to Canada
This is the day I move back to Canada to start CEGEP. This is the new chapter in my life, where everything will become more serious, and where I start my journey in the big world. I will however miss my friends that I have made here. They are the first real best friends I've had and the have helped me through my ups and downs. I will miss them so much, and I know the move will be hard on me because I'll be away from them. -
First day of CEGEP
I will start junior college on this day. On this day, I will need to try to be less awkward and more outgoing in order to meet new people and make friends so that I can go on more life adventures where my crystallized intelligence will hopefully incline. -
This is the day where I get married. It will be a in a forest in the fall, where the trees' leaves are beginning to turn orange. It would be a small gathering, with only close friends. -
My honeymoon will be spent in New Zealand. I would like to backpack around the country; going hiking, camping, and visiting the locations where the Lord of the Rings and the Hobbit were filmed. -
Graduate University
On this day, I will graduate university with whatever major I have decided to pursue. From this day forth, I will finally have finished school, and will be starting my life as an adult. -
Having a baby
This is the day I gave birth to a son named, and argue with my husband over whether to name him Maximus or Charlie. -
Intimacy vs isolation
I never really spent much time doing anything for my well being or with my family because I didn't have a balance between that and school. That caused problems with my marriage because at times I payed more attention to work than to family. (See intimaxy vs. Isolation timespan for duration) -
Period: to
Intimacy vs. Isolation
Preventing identity crisis
I believe that thanks to trying to find a identity during high school that suited me best helped me prevent having an identity crisis in emotional situations. This would prove Erikson's stage on identity vs. role confusion (see timespan). -
My authoritative parenting
A few days after my son's 12th birthday my husband and I would start to really set rules for the house, as our son is maturing. We decide that we want to me athoritative parents. We want to set rules and be firm about them, however we would explain to our son why the rules are fair and why we feel the need to put them. Then, if he breaks the rules we would negotiate a fair punishment based upon the rules to make sure he wouldn't corss the line in the future. -
Period: to
Generativity vs. Stagnation
My husband and I start to think about how our life became. We start to realize that we need to control our lives and families so that things will turn out the way we want them to. We may hold on to our son and make sure he doesn't drift from us. -
Son graduates high school
My son graduates high shcool on this day and this is when I realize that having him has made me learn so many new things in my life and has increased my crystallized intelligence. However, My fluid intelligence would've declined a long time ago because I never had time to practice training my brain. -
I will get menopause around this time and will get tons of hot flashes. -
Period: to
Integrity vs. Despair
Integrity vs. Despair
At this point in my life, my husband and I felt like we didn't do what we wanted to achieve in life, and we don't feel satisfied with our lives, and we feel regret. To try to make ourselves feel better by spending all our money to go to space as a final adventure. (See integrity vs. despair timespan for duration) -
My death
Space craft malfunctioned; my husband and I died while trying to make my our lives seem better and filled with less despair.