The egg cell is fertilized. -
The fertilized egg has entered the 2 week period, where rapid cell division occurs. -
This stage I was a developing human in my mothers stomach, after 2 weeks of pregnancy till 2 months. -
At this stage iam a developing human 9 weeks after conception. -
This day was the day I was brought to the world, and used my hearing senses to hear my mothers voice. I think I was a healthy baby since my mom didnt take any teratogens. -
Period: to
This stage is where iam facing basic trust vs mistrust, according to Erik Erikson this stage will tell if i can trust the world to provide me with what i need or not. Also, accoridng to Mary Aisnworth i had a secure attachment with my parents. Also, i started to get habituation, where i became less responsive to things i got used to. Also, maturation began at this age were i physically developed, now my experiences begin to shape it. Also at this point is all the cognition begins. -
Period: to
Birth to 2 years old
Iam at the sensormeter stage of my life, wher ei percieve everything with senses and actions. I also develop stanger anxiety and object permanence -
1 to 2 months old
Parents showed me that i can choose trust out of trust vs mistrust when it came to Erik Erikson's theory. My parents provided me with all i needed, from food to shelter, and warmth to safety. -
1 year old
Taking my first step was important since it was the first development to be able to walk in my later life. -
Period: to
Early Childhood
These years were i began to build my schemata and assimilation began where i incorprate my new experiences to what i already know accoring to piaget. According to Erikson iam at the stage of Autonomy vs shame and doubt. i think i was able to control myself and others in reasonable ways so i have a healthy will. Also at these ages i would be building up schemas for everything, and accomodation is always happening with every new experience. -
Birth of my brother
My brother was born on this date, he was a great impact on me. with out him iam sure i would be a tottaly differnt person then iam today. -
Period: to
2 to 6 years old
These stages is where iam at the preoperational stage where i represent things with words and images but i lack logical reasoning. At this time i gain pretend play, ego centrism, and language development. -
2 years old
potty trained, and first glasses, which are sensory and motor development. -
4 years old
My first eye surgery. cognitive development to fearing pain. -
Period: to
Play age
Accoridng to Erikson, through these years i was facing initiative vs guilt, where i get curious about my surroundings, this is when i got hurt for the first time, and other things. Also i start to ask why instead of just no. Also iam at the Preconventional stage according to Kohlburg, were eveything i thought of was becasue of the fear of punishment and the whole " thats what i would do" mind set. -
4 years old to 5 years old
my first bike ride, first accident, first scabs. -
Period: to
School age
At this part of my life where to Erikson i was at the point of Industry vs inferiority this is where i became competitive with other children. i didnt really have inferiority complex at anything. Also, at this part of my life i was at the conventional point of my life according to kohlburg, where everything i did or thought about was towards what people around me thought about me. -
6 years old
First football team. my first idol in life was Diego Maradona. cognitve development towards passion -
7 years old
I was playful and hyper active, i didnt really care who liked me and who cared about me all i wanted to do was go on the swings, or go to the amusment park. At the same time this was a time were i didnt have a good relationship with school friends because i never really ran after them. -
Period: to
7 to 11 years old
At this point of my life i was at the concrete operational where i perform arithmetical operations and think logiaclly. I gain conservation and get a mathematical transformation. -
7 years old
I had my appendix removed, this was my second surgery. -
7 to 8 years old
I had an identity, but it was all about football. I started losing time for friends. so while all the other 2nd and 3rd graders became friends. i was friends with my team mates. so i didnt have role confusion. -
9 to 10 years old
School was a hard time for me. I didnt have any friends, i was always always alone during lunch. I had only friends in my compound that i really liked. I wasnt really looking for good friendship relationships. -
11 years old
It was the same no school friends but compound freinds, I think this affected me today that it makes me try to keep all my friends even the ones that hurt me. This point of my life i had changed my way of thinking to conventional according to Lawrence Kohlberg. I would be a person that would judge things on how others view them and thats how i started caring about what everyone thought of me. -
Period: to
12 years old to adulthood
Formal Operational is the stage iam at at this point for cognitive development accoridng to piaget. Everything i do is with abstract reasoning. i develop abstract logic and potential for moral reasoning. -
12 years old
This was the year i first broke a bone, It was during football were i broke my left wrist. It was the begining of my worst 6 weeks. I learnt that football wasnt everything, i learnt that i could get hurt and be stopped. I also realised that i barely had friends. After my injury was over i was scared to use my left hand, It was pain i never experienced before both cognitive and physical, i became depressed after that for a long while. -
Period: to
At this part of my life i have reached the Postconventional development where everything was by logical and ethical reasoining. Also, according to Erikson im at the stage of Identity vs confusin. -
ages 13 to 14
This is when i moved to a new school ( AISJ), i met new people but still i wasnt confident, i had one friend through 7th and 8th grade. all my life was football, I was in 7 football teams, and my grades were good. I was pretty happy through those years but i still had that feeling of isolation and being always left out. -
Period: to
where i grow both my primary and secondary sex characteristics. -
15 years old
This year i think is where i developed and changed the most, I gained many friends in school but they were all the new students that just came to our school. After school was over, i changed physically and thats when i had my first kiss, I think this point in life is where my life turned 180 degrees, -
15 years old
i was starting to stop playing football when my brother motivated me to play again. -
16 years old
After 10th grade i would have made many friends, becasue of football teams, and i think after my first kiss my personality changed that made people want to become my friends, so that was my first school group of friends. After that ive been really happy, confident, strong, and just fulfilled. I think because of that i became a better person. Still i had a problem with attachment, when i loved a person and i wanted to let go later on it would be really hard for me. also i get attached too quickl -
16 years old (really important)
This date is when i broke my collar bone before football tryout by one week. i didnt cry when it happened, but i cried when i found out i couldnt play for 6 weeks. I lost hope. With my friends by my side and the repetitive saying of " everything is for the best" i smiled, and what made me happier is when Mr. Lawrence put me on the team even though i wasnt allowed to try out. I think because of this i started to have faith and truly believe that everything is for the best. -
17 to 18 years
Now that i had all my friends and people that i care about i become a better football player because of their support. I worked harder in school to get into a good college, made my parents proud of me. -
Period: to
Early adulthood
This point of life accoridng to Erikson iam at the point of Intimacy vs isolation where i start to look for relationships with other people, but i should have learnt already to spend some time alone. -
18 to 22 years old
After ive so goodbye for now to all my high school friends, i move on to college and start a new life, find new friends. During college something great happened to me, i got scouted by a football team and had to make time for studying and practice. Also i found that one person that would make me happier then ever. Other then that i would face isolation trying to figure out my time management between football, college, and my social life. -
25 years old
My first world cup apperence with Egypt in Qatar. This momment would change my life forever because it was my dream and it came true. -
Period: to
According to Erikson iam at a point of generativity vs stagntation this is where i take control fully of my own life, And make my life the way i want it to be for me and my family. -
27 years old
I get married and have more people to care about. This affects me by keeping me moving forward to keep a stable life for my new family. -
29 years old
my first born, its a boy. -
37 years old
My football career is done and i have to move on to becoming a manager for a team. -
57 years old
retiring from being a football manager and spending the rest of my life to making my family happy. -
Period: to
Old age
This point of my life, iam satisfied to the full. according to Erikson iam at the point of my life were i have integrity vs despair. where i look back to my life and see if my life was meaningful and feel despair towards the things i didnt do. -
60 years old
The day i die and leave the world with something to remember.