Developmental psychology

By Ebake13
  • I was born

    This is Piaget's Sensorimotor stage. This is significant because it is the beginning where everything else stems from.
  • I began crawling

    Piaget's sensorimotor stage. This is the first form of movement and occurred about 6 months after birth.
  • I began walking

    Piaget's sensorimotor stage. This is a more advanced form of movement and is one step closer to a new stage of life.
  • I began talking

    Piaget's early preoperational stage and Erikson's anatomy vs. shame and doubt stage. This stage began very late for me but I began reading at a much younger age than other kids.
  • Began kindergarten

    Beginning of Piaget's concrete operational stage. This marks a key transitional phase psychologically. I was caught between the pre-conceptual and conventional stages.
  • Hit puberty

    Starts Piaget's formal operational stage, Kohlberg's conventional morality stage, and Erikson's Identity vs. role confusion stage. This marks the transition to adulthood. Many things begin to change with decision making.
  • Started college

    Kohlberg's post-conceptual morality stage. This marks a whole new stage of life where I had to begin living on my own and make life-long decisions.
  • Got first teaching job

    Erikson's Intimacy vs. isolation stage. This is my first actual job after getting my masters degree. Responsibilities are at an all time high. Become a real adult.
  • reached age 50

    Erikson's generativity vs. stagnation stage. This is about the beginning of the later part of my life. Things begin slowing down. Much wiser.
  • I die

    end of all stages. This when all development ceases.