Developmental Psychology

  • Birth

    Born Melissa Anne Glowinski at 11:35 am, weighing 9 lbs 4 oz and 21.5 inches long.
  • First social smile (PSYCHOSOCIAL)

  • Laughed (PSYCHOSOCIAL)

  • Crawled (BIOSOCIAL)

  • Stood up (BIOSOCIAL)

  • Walked (BIOSOCIAL)

  • Held spoon to feed self (BIOSOCIAL)

  • First words: Hi, Bye, Seven Dollars (COGNITIVE)

  • Started Kindergarten (COGNITIVE)

    Started Kindergarten (COGNITIVE)
  • First playdate (unattended by mom-went to friends house) (PSYCHOSOCIAL)

  • Doctor visit: Weighed 32 lbs. (BIOSOCIAL)

  • Became big sister for 3rd and final time, already a little sister to 4 older sibs (PSYCHOSOCIAL)

    Became big sister for 3rd and final time, already a little sister to 4 older sibs (PSYCHOSOCIAL)
  • Dentist visit, had tooth pulled and 3 cavities filled (bIOSOCIAL)

  • Started 3rd grade at new school (and had to make new friends) (COGNITIVE AND PSYCHOSOCIAL)

  • First slumper party (PYSCHOSOCIAL)

  • Menarche (BIOSOCIAL)

    Menarche (BIOSOCIAL)
  • Started High School (COGNITIVE)

  • Made my confirmation in Catholic Church (PSYCHOSOCIAL)

    Made my confirmation in Catholic Church (PSYCHOSOCIAL)
  • Started College (Cognitive)

  • Started student assistant job in lab at WSU College of Medicine (psychosocial)

  • Joined bally Totoal Fitness with my friend (Biosocial)

  • Traveled to Alaska to explore graduate school options at University of Alaska Fairbanks (Cognitive)

  • Started dating my future husband (psychosocial)

  • Graduated from college (cognitive)

  • Accepted full time position in lab at school of medicine (psychosocial)

  • Got engaged (psychosocial)

    Got engaged (psychosocial)
    Had a traditional India engagement ceremony where we exchanged rings in front of our families and were blessed by his parents.
  • enrolled in post graduate classes (cognitive)

  • Got married in Catholic Church in Detroit, MI (psychosocial)

    Got married in Catholic Church in Detroit, MI (psychosocial)
  • Traveled to India to have wedding ceremony in my husband's home (psychosocial)

    Traveled to India to have wedding ceremony in my husband's home (psychosocial)
  • Got pregnant (unplanned but very much wanted!) (Biosocial)

  • Gave birth to 1st daughter (biosocial)

    Gave birth to 1st daughter (biosocial)
    Jaspreet Kaur born at 9:33 pm weighing 9 lbs 4 oz and 21 inces long.
  • Went to parttime status at work (psychosocial)

  • Husband and I bought home (psychosocial)

  • Gave birth to 2nd daughter (biosocial)

    Gave birth to 2nd daughter (biosocial)
    Sukhpreet Kaur born at 10:18 am weighing 8 lbs and 19.5 inches long.
  • Quit job to stay home full time with children (psychosocial)

  • Graduate with BSN (Cognitive)

  • First daughter graduates from high School (psychosocial)

  • Second daughter graduates High School (pyschosocial)

  • Enter "empty nest" phase (psychosocial)

  • First daughter gets married(?) (physchosocial)

  • First grandchild (?) (psychosocial)

  • Retire at age 68 (psychosocial)

  • Spend summer enjoying 1st yr of retirement by going on art and culinary tour of Italy with husband (Cognitive)

  • Celebrate 90th birthday (?) (Biosocial)

  • Pass away peacefully surrounded by my loved ones