Rachel's Developmental Timeline

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  • I was born

  • Began Walking

    I started walking at approximately 1 year old
  • Sensorimotor Stage

    An example of the sensorimotor stage of Piaget's theory is when my parents would play peekaboo with me and I did not know that they were not actually gone. (lack of object permanence)
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    Early Childhood

  • Preoperational Stage

    An example in my life that demonstrates the preoperational stage of Piaget's theory is when I would pretend that certain objects or toys were alive (animism)
  • Interests as a child

    I think that I was coddled as a child, and was not allowed to do my own thing. However, this does not match up with the research done on this developmental stage because I had a lot of initiative now as a child and as an adult.
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    Middle/Late Childhood

  • Concrete Operational Stage

    An example in my life of the concrete operational stage of Piaget's theory is when I began to learn about adding and subtracting with physical blocks, and I could seethe process and think more logically.
  • Physical Activity

    I climbed a lot of trees and jumped on the trampoline. I was a very active child and I loved every minute of it!
  • Gross and Fine Motor Skills

    Gross motor skills that I used included maneuvering arms and legs to climb trees. Fine motor skills that I used included using fingers to grip small things.
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  • Puberty

    I entered puberty at 12 years old, which is relatively normal. I definitely felt different than the boys that were my age at the time.
  • Physical Activity

    I participated in colorguard in high school. It kept me very active and made me feel good about myself.
  • Gross and Fine Motor Skills

    Gross motor skills that I used included moving my arms and legs for running and lifting colorguard equipment. Fine motor skills that I used included squeezing and gripping the equipment, and point my toes.
  • Formal Operational Stage

    An example in my life of the formal operational stage of Piaget's theory is egocentrism. I would have a pimple in high school and think that everyone else was focused on it too.
  • Physical Activity

    I have no participated in much physical activity as an adult. I have bipolar depression and I can tell that a lack of exercise makes my depression more prominent. I should definitely exercise more.
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    Early Adulthood

  • Gross and Fine Motor Skills

    I did not use many gross motor skills, but I did use more fine motor skills (ex: typing, holding a pencil, pointing and grabbing items)
  • Formal Operational Stage

    An example in my life of the formal operational stage of Piaget's theory is when I began to question my existence and life's purpose. I also began dreaming of my future life and what I want to do to make that happen.