Developmental PSY

  • Health

    Know your family’s health history. How does it affect you? How do you prevent it as an early adult?
    o Your family’s health history could be a precursor for you but early prevention could prevent those illnesses or hereditary health concerns from being passed down. Luckily, my family has not had any of those hereditary health concerns passed down.
  • Birth

    I was born.
  • Infancy: Cognitive Development

    • Provide an example of activities that you did during each of piagets cognitive development stages.
    o Sensorimotor: I was able to play with blocks, toys, and to go outside and explore to peak my interests and even learn things and how to hold and build with those toys and blocks.
  • Infancy: Language

    • Infancy: what was your first word?
    o My first word was ma and I still use that same word to get my mother’s attention today.
  • Infancy: Social

    How would you define your attachment to your primary caregiver? Securely or insecurely? How did your attachment affect your development across all developmental periods?
    o Infancy: Secure attachment to my mother
  • Infancy: Emotional

    • If you have experienced a loss, how did that affect you? Development?
    o In infancy, my uncle passed and it took no effect on me as an infant because of the fact that I have no recollection of him therefore it could not hinder my development I have lived just as if I didn’t know of him
  • Infancy: Memory

    • What is your first memory?
    o The memory is very hazy but I remember when there was a family dinner with my father’s side of the family and my cousins and I were in early childhood so we were quite terrible. We were having a tug of war with the table cloth and if I’m correct one of my cousins who’s about 2 years older than me ended up pulling it off.
  • Infancy: Social

    • Infancy- What was your temperament classification according to rothbart and bates? How did your temperament affect your parent’s goodness of fit?
    o My temperament classification was extraversion/surgency according to my parents and my mom was very outgoing so it matched her just right. My dad was a little bit more standoffish which had its pros and cons.
  • Early Childhood: Cognitive Development

    • Provide an example of activities that you did during each of piagets cognitive development stages.
    o Preoperational stage: My mother was a pre-school teacher so I was put to work in learning my name, colors, writing, and learning all the tools needed for me to succeed once I began kindergarten and after.
  • Early Chilhood: Social

    • Across all developmental periods- How would you define your attachment to your primary caregiver? Securely or insecurely? How did your attachment affect your development across all developmental periods?
    o Early childhood: Secure attachment to my mother
  • Late Childhood: Language

    Late Childhood: Language
    • Childhood: What were some of the strategies that your parents used to increase your vocabulary?
    o Instead of forcing me to sit down and look at words and meanings they would always quiz me on what words mean if I ask of if they present a new one and also on how to spell it. It wasn’t brought up just once it may have been stated and then restated either again that day or another day coming up.
  • Late Childhood: Health

    • What were some strategies that you used to cope with stress across all periods?
    o Late childhood: The little to no stress I did feel I would just do what most other children did and take myself out of the situation or mindset and go play with my brother on the game, with toys, or go outside to have fun.
  • Late Childhood: Emotion

    • If you have experienced a loss, how did that affect you? Development?
    I experienced death as well when my grandmother passed in 2007. It did not hender my development per say but it did take a toll on me because she was the only grandparent that I knew besides my grandfather on the opposing side of the family.
  • Late Childhood: Emotion

    • Thinking back to your childhood, what strategies did your parents use when discussing emotions? Were they emotion-coaching or were they emotion-dismissing?
    o This one is tricky because my parents used both strategies. My mom was very involved and she did a lot of emotion-coaching but my dad was the opposite and although he was a part of my daily life he was more so emotion-dismissing when issues rose because he wasn’t very confrontational or conversation-based.
  • Late Childhood: Social

    • Across all developmental periods- How would you define your attachment to your primary caregiver? Securely or insecurely? How did your attachment affect your development across all developmental periods?
    o Late Childhood: Secure attachment to my mother
  • Late Childhood: Cognitive Development

    • Provide an example of activities that you did during each of piagets cognitive development stages.
    o Concrete operational stage: I was involved in baseball so that’s where I would spend most of my time along with learning how to swim.
  • Adolescence: Cognitive Development

    • Provide an example of activities that you did during each of piagets cognitive development stages.
    o Formal operational stage: I got involved with band with is a test of the mind. I also got involved with many other school orgs and opportunities that were presented to me.
  • Adolescence: Social

    • Across all developmental periods- How would you define your attachment to your primary caregiver? Securely or insecurely? How did your attachment affect your development across all developmental periods?
    o Adolescence: At this stage the relationship between my mother and I had become strained so I would say it turned into insecure attachment.
  • Adolescence: Health

    • What were some strategies that you used to cope with stress across all periods?
    o Adolescence: I wasn’t heavily stressed but I was obligated to a few different things which caused occasional stress but I would relieve it by spending time with friends, playing music (on an actual instruments), sitting outside enjoying nature and reflecting on the things I’ve done versus what I need to do.
  • Adolescence: Language

    • What were some dialect terms that you used among your friends? What do those terms mean and in what context would you use it?
    o Adolescence: “What-cha-ma-cal-lit” – in reference to the item we were previously discussing but I am unable to recollect the proper name for it and or the person
  • HS Graduation

    Graduated from High School
  • BCT Graduation

    Graduated from Basic Combat Training
  • Early Adulthood: Physical Development

    • Based on individual development, physical development, when did you first notice a decline in your senses? What caused this to occur?
    o I would say early adulthood my senses started to decline. Personally I would lay the blame all on the U.S. Army but I cannot recall a significant event when they started to decline but it was noticeable.
  • Early Adulthood: Social

    • Across all developmental periods- How would you define your attachment to your primary caregiver? Securely or insecurely? How did your attachment affect your development across all developmental periods?
    o Early Adulthood: The attachment across all of my developmental stages was beneficial to who I am today. Things weren’t always the best and could’ve went in a totally different direction but I am thankful for the mother that I have and I now have a secure attachment to her.
  • AIT Graduation

    Graduated from Advanced Individual Training as a Combat Medic.
  • Early Adulthood: Language

    • What were some dialect terms that you used among your friends? What do those terms mean and in what context would you use it?
    o Early Adulthood: “Hit the gas cuz!” – This could literally mean to speed up in the car or it could simply give a green light in any situation where your friend is awaiting confirmation, it is also meant hype another friend.
  • Early Adulthood: Emotion

    • If you have experienced a loss, how did that affect you? Development?
    o I was an early adult when I experienced the loss of my uncle in 2017. It took a great toll on me because of the fact that we were so close but it did not hender my development becawse everything I did there after I would do it in his memory.
  • MMI Graduation/Commissioning

    MMI Graduation/Commissioning
    Graduated from Marion Military Institute with my associate's and recieved my commission into the U.S. Army as a 2LT through the early commissioning program.
  • Early Adulthood: Identity

    • What is your current identity status? Do you identify with identity achievement, moratorium, etc? Why?
    o I identify with identity achievement. I have been through crises and I have learned from those experiences. It has also led me to believe in my situation and myself.
  • Early Adulthood

    • What were some strategies that you used to cope with stress across all periods?
    o Early Adulthood: I am still finding ways to cope with stress now I still occasionally sit outside to reflect, I will read, go occupy my mind with my friends, retail therapy, or even sleep. I also constantly remind myself that I’m not stressed I just need to keep up with the things I have going on to reassure myself.