Development Timeline

  • Infancy (0 to 2 years)

    Infancy (0 to 2 years)
    During infancy, the physical developmental stage that occurs is motor development. The mental development stage that occurs is object permanence.
  • Early childhood (2 to 6 yrs)

    Early childhood (2 to 6 yrs)
    During early childhood, the physical developmental stage that occurs is the frontal lobes grow rapidly. The mental development stage that occurs is the use of symbols to represent words, images, and ideas.
  • Middle childhood (6 to 11 yrs)

    Middle childhood (6 to 11 yrs)
    During middle childhood, the physical developmental stage that occurs is hand-eye coordination, and the rapid increase in height as a result of puberty. The mental development stage that occurs is conservation, and reversibility.
  • Adolescence (11 to 18 yrs)

    Adolescence (11 to 18 yrs)
    During middle childhood, the physical developmental stage that occurs is the maturing of adrenal and sex glands. The mental development stage that occurs is the understanding abstract ideas.
  • Emerging adulthood (18 to 25 yrs)

    Emerging adulthood (18 to 25 yrs)
    During emerging adulthood, the physical developmental stage that occurs is the peak of physical abilities. The mental development stage that occurs is the full understanding of abstract concepts, awareness of consequences, and personal limitations.
  • Adulthood (25 to 65 yrs)

    Adulthood (25 to 65 yrs)
    During adulthood, the physical developmental stage that occurs is the loss of elasticity in the skin, and a significant decline in senses. The mental development stage that occurs is learning a trade, work, and/or pursue higher education, developing new skills, hobbies, and adult interests.
  • Late adulthood (65+ yrs)

    Late adulthood (65+ yrs)
    During adulthood, the physical developmental stage that occurs is the skin continues to lose elasticity, their reaction time slows down, loses muscle strength and mobility, can't hear or see as well, and the immune system weakens. The mental development stage that occurs is a decline in memory, and the ability to recall information.