Development Timeline

  • Period: 1 CE to 2

    Infancy (0 to 2 years)

    Growth happens at a rapid rate. Develops basic motor skills such as sitting, crawling, and holding up their heads. Children begin to learn that they can control their actions and act on the environment to get results. The child begins to develop schematas and accommodation. The child also develops object permanence.
  • Period: 2 to 6

    Early childhood (2 to 6 yrs)

    During the early childhood the size of the brain increases rapidly, especially the frontal lobes. Starts to move to more advanced motor functions like walking and sitting unassisted. Children begin to use symbols to represent words, images, and ideas. Children start to become capable of initiating activities and asserting control over their world through social interaction and play.
  • Period: 6 to 11

    Middle childhood (6 to 11 yrs)

    Children in the MIddle childhood phase develops more steadily, however near the end of this phase they begin to experience a rapid increase to their height. Children begin to think logically about real events. They can start to use numbers and employ memory strategies such as mathematical operations. Children also master the concept of conservation in this stage and the principle of reversibility.
  • Period: 11 to 18

    Adolescence (11 to 18 yrs)

    Children in the adolescence phase begin with puberty. Several physical changes occur such as adrenarche and gonadarche. Primary and secondary sexual characteristics also begin to occur. Children experience a rapid increase in height. Children begin to develop a sense of self. A renewed egocentrism occurs. Children begin to think logically only about concrete events. Children also begin to deal with abstract ideas and hypothetical situations.
  • Period: 18 to 25

    Emerging adulthood (18 to 25 yrs)

    People in the emerging adulthood phase are at their peak physical ability. Muscle strength, reaction time, sensory abilities, and cardiac functioning hit their peaks.The brain ceases to develop at the end of emerging adulthood. People also develop a sense of self.
  • Period: 25 to 65

    Adulthood (25 to 65 yrs)

    People in the adulthood phase begin to see a gradual physical decline. Their skin loses some elasticity, and people start to gain wrinkles. Visual acuity starts to decrease. Women experience a decline in fertility and the end of the menstrual cycle. Men and women both tend to also gain weight. Hair begins to think and turn gray. People begin to find their life's work and contribute to the development of others. They also begin to form families.
  • Period: 65 to 122

    Late adulthood (65+ yrs)

    People in the late adulthood phase continue to lose elasticity in their skin. They also begin to lose their reaction time and their muscle strength diminishes. People's five sense also begin to decline significantly. The brain no longer functions at optimal levels and starts to experience problems such as memory loss, dementia, and even Alzheimer's disease. People reflect of their lives in this phase and feel a sense of satisfaction or a sense of failure as they reflect back on their lives.