Development Timeline

By erkeefe
  • My Birthday

  • The First Two Years: Body and Mind

    By the time I was 10 months old, I was walking all by myself. Around the same time, I was putting in my own Dora VCR tapes. At that point, I was the only child, which would be soon ruined when my sister was born, but I made the most of my time. My first word was "flower", which I said while I was at a funeral.
  • The First Two Years: The Social World

    The First Two Years: The Social World
    As a little girl, I was very attached to my mother. I've been told multiple times that I would constantly scream while my mother was away and would not stop until she came home.
  • My Sister was Born

    My Sister was Born
  • My Brother was Born

    My Brother was Born
  • Moved in with Grandparents

    Moved in with Grandparents
  • Early Childhood: Body and Mind

    I was reciting books when I was about 4 years old. My parents would read Good Night Moon and I would remember when to say "hush".
  • Early Childhood: Psychosocial Development

    Whenever I would play, I was always a "mom". I had a lot of imagination and I liked to play out outside. I loved flowers and playing and making things in the dirt. I used to try to feed my dog dirt all the time.
  • Started Elementary School

  • Parents Divorced

  • Got My First Pet

    Got My First Pet
  • Middle Childhood: Body and Mind

    I took on the role of the oldest very quickly. I became my mothers assistant when she had gotten sick. I was in third grade at the time. Because she was sick, I was responsible for more things such as making the ever so basic pasta with butter and parmesan cheese for dinner. My sister was 5 and my brother was 6.
  • Middle Childhood: Social World

    My cousin was my best friend. She is a year older than me and is like my half-sister because our moms are identical twins. We would play school, house, and put on dance shows with the routines we had learned at our church.
  • Moved in with Cousins, Aunts, and Grandparents

  • Moved to Florida

  • Started Highschool

  • Adolescence: Body and Mind

    I am honestly one of the laziest teenagers you will ever meet. I love watching movies and relaxing. I could go to bed super early and stay in bed until noon. On the flip side, I could go to bed at midnight and wake up at 6am.
  • Adolescence: Psychosocial Development

    I am a very quiet teenager who doesn't like to step into new places. I am a little loud when you get to know me, but I get very overwhelmed in a place that is new and heavily populated. I prefer to just stick with the people I know and not really go outside of that. I am very close to my mom due to the fact that we have seen many changes while at each other's side. I tend to be very self conscious and struggle to feel like I fit in.
  • Graduate High School