Development of the Modern Environmental Movement

  • Minimata

    Minimata was a neurological disease caused by poisoning in the Minimata Bay. The consumption of fish from the Minimata Bay was banned from 1956 to 1960. The poisoning was caused by chemical discharge near the bay. The fish in the bay got sick from it and when the people ate the fish, they too got sick. The “Dancing Cats” were cats who also ate fish from the bay and got sick. The cats appeared to be dancing because of the seizures they had from the mercury poisoning.
  • Bhopal

    It was a chemical explosion, caused by a water leak, that injured and even killed many people. It also caused poison in the people’s water.
  • Fukushima

    Fukushima was a nuclear accident that took place in Japan, in 2011. An earthquake triggered a tsunami that caused risk of a nuclear accident. This was significant because it brought attention to safety.