iPhone First Generation was Released
The first ever iPhone was released ebeing the first 'smarphone'. -
iPhone 3G was Released
iPhone 3G was released with new improvements. -
iPhone 3GS was Released
iPhone 4 was Released
The iPhone 4 had a more square shape than the first three phones. -
iPhone 4s was Released
The 4s included Siri, which was brand new at the time. -
iPhone 5 was Released
The iPhone was larger than the 4 and 4s and had IOS7 -
iPhone 5c was Released
These iPhones came in different colors. -
iPhone 5s was Released
Came with a feature that alowed you to unlock your iPhone using your fingerprint. -
iPhone 6 and 6plus Were Released
Were much larger than the fives. -
iPhone 6s was Released
Now the iPhone came in rose gold. -
Future iPhone (iPhone 7)
I think the next Iphone will be even lighter than the 6S and the screen will be wider.