Development of the frontier

  • Northwest Ordinance

    It was passed by congress to be able to make and establish laws in the northwest territory.
  • Enabling act

    Was passed by the congress, it was the the rules and procedures for adding new states.
  • Louisiana Purchase

    The Louisiana purchase was the purchase of the western territory from the French.
  • Lewis and Clark expedition

    Expedition led by Meriwether lewis and William Clark to explore the western area bought in the Louisiana purchase.
  • Lewis and Clark expedition ends

    Lewis and Clark come back home with loads of story about their experience.
  • Indian removal act

    It was signed by president Jackson to relocate Indian tribes to unbothered land and in exchange for there land in state borders.
  • Gold Rush Starts

    Gold was discovered in California.
  • Oregon Trail established

  • Homestead act

    The homestead act was signed by Abraham Lincoln to encourage western migration to promise 160 acres of land for a small filling fee.
  • Frontier dissapeared

    fences cage in the open space and make it hard to move cattle.