Development of the constitution

  • Mayflower Compact is signed

    The Mayflower Compact was an agreement that was created by the new settlers who settled in Amercia.The Compact was the first set of written laws for America by the english people who traveled to America for a better life. It was made to set up a new government for themselves away from great Britain.
  • First meeting of Congress

    The first ever Congress meeting happened at Carpenter's Hall in Philadelphia.
  • Articles of Confederation is signed

    The Articles of Confederation was ratified by all thirteen states on March 1, 1781. The articles did not create a strong central government and in turn allowed the states to have their own powers.
  • Shay's Rebellion

    Farmers revolted against courts with guns in hand in fear of their farms being forclosed upon.
  • Northwest Ordinance of 1787

    Georgia give up their hold of NW territorries and in-turn allowing these areas to become part of the united states.
  • First state to ratify

    Delaware becomes the first state to ratify the constitution with a vote of 30-0