The baby will experince its first physical developments of its lifetime. They baby wil take its first breaths of air, learning how to breathe. The baby will make its first movements out of the womb. It will also urinate and have bowel movements. These are the babies first physical movements. The baby will also discover that they have hands, fingers, feet and toes. Reflexes will take action, like tonic neck, sucking reflew, rooting,and the grasping reflex. -
Period: to
As the baby will be discovering its new life outside the womb, they will develop emotionally. The baby will be assocaited with a lot of crying, sometimes for hunger or needing their diaper changed. The baby will develop relationships with the mother, father, older siblings, and any other caregivers. -
Baby will develop a sense of taste, whether to the mother's milk or the formula. The baby will open its eyes, developing a sense of sight although the brain is not yet processing what the baby sees. The baby can feel for things, like different textures and materials. The baby will be very alert to any sounds and may startle at things that seem quiet. The baby's ears will be very sensitive. Welcoming new sounds, tastes, feeling textures, sights and aromas will help the baby develop. -
Motor Skills
The baby doesn't develop many motor skills in the first couple months of his or her life. The baby may jump at loud noises, focus their eyes on objects near 1 foot away, raise their head while lying on their stomach, smile back at people, and play with toys. -
The first month doesn't have a lot of social development for the baby, just the fact that he will get to meet his parents, caregivers, possible older siblings, and other people in the world. The baby may make small, soft noises, but that usually doesn't happen until later on. -
The baby won't have a lot of significant intellectual development until later on in life just like social, but there are a few things. They can examine shapes and colors, become fussy and cry if not satisified, recognize some people, prefer their parents' faces over other people's, turn in the direction of sound and follow moving lights with their eyes. discovering their feet and hands is also an intellectual development. -
Most babies won't know any language almost until month 11 or 12. They will hear the sound of their mother and father or other caregivers and people, but their brain won't process any information. The baby may coo or make other small soft noises, but usually nothing extravagant until later on in life. -
More crying and fussiness than normal may be present. The baby will become more and more active, moving its limbs and eyes a lot. The baby may start to suck his thumb. They are gaining more muscles, so they are becoming less and less wobly. -
Period: to
Motor Skills
The motor skills of the baby aren't making dramatic changes or development, but the follwoing can be noticed;
- focuses eyes on objects
- watch their own hands move
- jump at loud noises
- play with rattles and other entertainment toys -
The baby is developing many social skills during this month. The baby may prefer to look at other people rather than objects, will study faces, begins to express anger, develops a social smile, and will enjoy being engaged in play. Stronger relationshipsa re growing with parents and others -
The babie's 5 senses are basically just improving beings they cannot fully see and don't have full control and development over their other senses. -
Baby can remember some faces, sounds and tastes. They aren't really processing a whole lot yet though. -
Baby will try to "communicate" by cooing, smiling and gurgling. -
Relationsips are continuing to grow stronger and stronger with parents and caregivers. -
Baby is becoming active. More musce is developing, giving them the ability to grasp things and pull things. -
Period: to
Motor Skills
Baby might reach for toys and people.They could possibly even start to push up with their arms while laying on their stomach. -
The baby may start a "conversation" with you by smiling and gurgling to get your attention. May start to laugh if tickled and will cry if the playtime is interrupted. -
Baby's eyeisght is improving as he can now track objects with his eyes and his color is improving. -
the baby willl focuseson high contrast patterns and faces, recognize a few objects, hold onto objects briefly as his voluntary grasp replaces reflex grasp, and looks at his hands and feet as objects for examination. -
The baby will stil try to communicate by smiling, laughing, crying, cooing, and gurgling. -
The baby will make contact with parents and caregivers through their language skills, causing the relationships to grow. -
Baby is getting bigger and stronger; the head and neck don't need as much support as they used to. The rooting reflex will disappear. -
Period: to
Motor Skills
Baby is intrigued by children. Will turn toward children's voices in person or on TV. Laughs when tickled and when interacting with others. Cries if play is disrupted -
Baby isn't as randomly fussy, but knows how to express happiness and anger. -
By the end of the third month the baby will turn her head to sounds she knows and will be familiar with tastes, sights, sounds and feelings. -
The baby will start to discover things by bringing them to his mouth. -
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11-12 (1 year)