Development of the Baroque Era

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    Drama Period

    Jacobo Peri writes the first Opera, titled "Dafne", and Claudio Monteverdi Composes the first Opera that is still performed today, titled "Orfeo".
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    Baroque Era

    The exact dates of the baroque are are unknown although it is known to have started and ended in the late 17th and 18th century.
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    New Growth Period

    Vivaldi Composes "The Four Seasons", and Copernicus Heliocentric model starts to be accepted.
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    Composer Period

    Many Composers such as Bach, Handel, Vivaldi, and Scarlatti began to write their most famous works.
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    Writing Period

    Agostino Agazzari Finds a way to write the pitches and words for the singers while also illustrating the melody.
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    Editing Period

    After Opera houses have opened to the Public, The music is suited to their style to keep them content.