Development of partical model

By HA1D36
  • 400 BCE


    Democritus did coin another important word: atom. He referred to the small particles that make up everything in the universe as atomos
  • Newton

    Newton suggested that when particles of light end up in a medium, such as air or water, they are attracted to the particles of that medium due to an attractive force (gravity) between the particles.He wasn't able to prove it compleatly.
  • Jhon Dalton

    Jhon Dalton
    Dalton believed atomic theory could also explain why water absorbed different gases in different proportions—for example, he found that water absorbed carbon dioxide far better than it absorbed nitrogen.
  • Einstine

    This was first demonstrated by Albert Einstein's Theory of Special Relativity and famously expressed in his iconic equation, E=mc2, where E stands for energy, m for mass and c for the speed of light (squared).