3000 BCE
In Egypt they used ink to write on papyrus made from papyrus plant around 3000BC -
2700 BCE
Abacus was invented around 2700BC and enabled people to do Mathematical problems. It is still being used in countries like India, China etc. -
Oct 10, 1450
Text book
Text books were first used in printing press in 1500's. Text books could be produced and used through teacher led activities. -
Adding Machine Calculator
The adding machine calculator was invented around 1642. Although not very interactive as learning was given to an individual, was useful to a visual and auditory learner and no one could aquire it unless you had money. -
Chalk board was introduced in Victorian times around 1800's. Teachers using chalkboard were able to share information with learners. It was used by learners for additional purposes and users were able to write anything, erase and start all over again. One could not use chalkboard to store information. -
Educational Radio
Educational radio was introduced in 1920's. It enabled remote access to education because people were able to listen to radio stations and school. -
Educational Film Strips
These were invented around 1925. First time films were used in projecting images and showing pictures and also first time visual aids were used to show the whole class. -
The computer Stand alone device - Non-networked
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PF7EpEng1gk. Developed around the 1960's and 70's and became a "Computer Tutor" for schools and universities because it was built with assisted instructions that provided education to both adults and children. Computer has flexibility for individual use, computer literacy workforce, builds enthusiasm and is motivating with lots of other benefits. -
Educational Television
Link https://www/youtube.com/watch?v=K5 YNFKUTXHI9.55
Educational Television with educational programmes emerged in the 1970's. Very useful as it was motivating, engaging, attractive to watch visually, could sing a long, record pause and use signals. Some disadvantage was that you could not ask questions and was expensive. -
The Digital Age (Internet)
Link to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UFwWWsz X9s. The digital age came in 1996 and was used as a network by academics and National Aerospace Scientific Astronauts (NASA) physicists. The internet with built-in-Web became popular and was accepted in schools and homes during the mid -1990s, whilst teachers realized the huge potential it provided educationally. -
Interactive Whiteboard (The digital Age)
The Whiteboards are a blend of handwritten class notes with interactive technology that came in use in 1999.. The early whiteboard versions were connected to desktop computers and the latest ones can be connected to the smartphones,tablets and other mobiledevices enabling projection on to any surfaces. -
Smart phones and Tablets (The Digital Age)
Smart phones and Tablets came between 2007 - 2010. They are useful because they give teachers and students flexibility of being able to use them in palms of their hands. The tablets like I Pads can be applauded to use for work and are reliable. They are time challenging and time savers. In terms of classwork teachers and adults can use them to do multipurpose activities.Can be anti-social if children do not share and are dangerous for eye sight.