Cute baby

Development of a Baby(Conception-Birth):

  • Implantation/Conception:

    First the male sperm enters the woman's body and fertilizes an egg in her vagina. Eggs can be fertilized by sperm cells anywhere between 12 and 24 hours after release. Once fertilized, the egg travels down the Fallopian Tube(will take 3-4 days). The sex of the fetus will be determined at the time of fertilization(or conception), if sperm is X chromosome(will be a girl), if the sperm is a Y chromosome(will be a boy)
  • Period: to

    First Trimester:

    From weeks 0-8 the developing baby is called an "embryo". During the first month of pregnancy, the baby will start to develop its heart and lungs, then the arms, legs, brain, spinal cord, and nerves. The embryo will be pea sized at this point. By the end of the second month(embryo will be called "fetus") the fetus will have developed its main organs, will start to develop ankles, wrists, fingers, eyelids, bones, genitals, and inner ears
  • Embryo to Fetus:

    Embryo to Fetus:
    Weeks 0-8: developing baby is called an "Embryo" Weeks 8-Birth: developing baby is called a "Fetus"
  • Period: to

    Trimester 2:

    Fetus will be between 3 and 5 inches long.
  • Period: to

    Fourth Month of Pregnancy:

    Fetus' eyebrows, eyelashes, fingernails, and neck forms. Skin will have a wrinkled appearance. Arms and legs can start bending, kidneys start working and fetus can urinate, fetus can swallow and hear
  • Period: to

    Fifth Month of Pregnancy:

    Fetus is more active, mother may feel its movements. Fetus also sleeps and wakes in regular cycles. Fine hair(called lanugo) and waxy coating(called vernix) cover and protect the fetal skin
  • Period: to

    Sixth Month of Pregnancy:

    Hair begins to grow, eyes open, brain rapidly develops, lungs are fully formed, but they don't function
  • Period: to

    Fourth Trimester:

    weeks 28-40
  • Period: to

    Seventh Month of Pregnancy:

    Fetus kicks and stretches and can even respond to light and sound, eyes can open and close
  • Period: to

    Eighth and Ninth Months of Pregancy:

    Fetus gains weight very quickly, bones harden, but skull remains soft and flexible so head can fit through birth canal, different regions of the brain are forming, and fetus is able to hiccup
  • Period: to

    Ninth Month of Pregnancy:

    Home stretch for fetus. Fetus is getting ready for birth, turning into a head down position in the mother's pelvis. The lungs are fully mature and ready to function on their own
  • Period: to


    Birth can happen anywhere between the 39th and 40th weeks of pregnancy