
  • 2 BCE

    Pre-Infancy: First 8 weeks

    Develops things like finders and organs
  • 2 BCE

    Pre-Infancy: Fetal Stage

    Starts to look like a baby. Starts to move, slowing, breathing
  • 2 BCE

    Pre-Infancy: Months 5-6

    Skin is finished. Fingernails and hair begin to grow. Begins to have periods of being awake and asleep. Organs and lungs begin to develop
  • 1 BCE

    Year 1

    Grow ten inches within the first year of birth and weight triples,
  • 1 BCE


    The years where a baby begins to learn how to move on its own
  • 1 CE

    3-4 months

    3-4 months
    The sensorimotor stage (learning to coordinate preconceptions and motor activities, gains object permanence) begins, babies can move from their stomach to their sides, and forms strong attachments to a parental figure
  • 2

    Month 5

    Month 5
    Baby can move from their stomach to their back
  • 2

    Month 7

    Month 7
    Baby can move from the back to their stomach
  • 3

    Month 10

    Month 10
    Baby Begins to crawl
  • 3

    Month 8

    Gains fear and separation anxiety
  • 3

    Month 9

    Month 9
    Baby Begins to sit up
  • 4

    Month 12

    Month 12
    Babies begin to kneel
  • 5

    Year 2

    Second Year they gain 4-6 inches and 4-7 pounds and enters the preoperational stage(one dimensional thinking with displays of egocentric behavior, artificialism, and animism)
  • 5


    The time period where a child's mind begins to think more complex thoughts and learn about the would they live in.
  • 6

    Month 14

    Month 14
    Babies begin to stand up on their own
  • 7

    Month 16

    Month 16
    Babies can finally walk on their own
  • 8

    Year 7

    Enters the concrete-operational stage(able to have adult thinking on objects and less egocentrism)
  • 9

    Year 9

    Enters the first level of moral reasoning(basing what is good and what is evil on the outcome of the event)
  • 10

    Early Adolescence

    Child begins to want for independence and may argue with parents, thinking that a true friendship is when one is loyal to you, begin to form cliches and/or crowds they associate themselves with, romantic affairs are short lived and casual, growth spurts begin to happen, and hormones begin to change
  • 11

    Year 11

    Enters the formal-operational stage(being capable of abstract thinking, dealing with hypothetical situations, strategizing , and solving problems)
  • 13

    Year 13

    Enters the third level of moral reasoning(moral judgement based on the needs and expectations of a person)
  • 14

    Middle Adolescences(15-18)

    Mood Swings begin to happen due to hormones changing, romantic affairs become to be longer and more serious, may go through Identity Moratorium, adolescents may begin to gain eating disorders and/or abuse certain substances to help deal with the challenges they face
  • 15

    Year 15

    Peer influences reaches its maximum efficacy
  • 16

    Year 16

    Enters the fourth level of moral reasoning(moral judgement based on maintaining social order)
  • 16

    Year 16

    Enters the fifth level of moral reasoning(Moral Judgement based on the social contract)
  • 17

    Year 17

    Peer influences begin to decrease and enters the sixth level of moral reasoning(Moral Judgement based on universal ethics)
  • 18

    Late Adolescences

    Achieved Identity Achievement(when one has made important life decisions)
  • 19

    Young Adulthood(20-40)

    Adults reach their physical peak in their 20's-30's, begin to reevaluate their lives, marriage usually occurs here, and divorce is also possible
  • 40

    Middle Adulthood(40-65)

    An adult begins to lose their strength in their 40’s, women go through menopause, generativity begins to become more important to an adult has their Midlife Transition and has their Midlife Crisis, middlescence occurs, and develops Empty Nest Syndrome
  • 65

    Late Adulthood(65-Death)

    At this age one begins to lose hearing, skin becomes wrinkled, become less sharp, more brittle bones, they become more creative, memory problems begin to occur, can obtain Senile Dementia in ones 80’s, and can gain Alzheimer’s