Developing into Adulthood

By draine
  • My Birth

    A healthy baby 7 pounds 7 ounces at St. Joseph Mercy
  • My First Steps

    Language development - first words at 10 months
    and motor skills developed ,begin self- awareness
  • Kindergarden

    I learned my colors, numbers, to write my name and tie my shoes,
    normal pace of development
  • Play Years

    Learn to ride a bike, growing at a rapid speed, language five times developed, learned self esteem
  • School years

    I had better self control and increase ability to understand language and how to express myself
  • Middle school

    Begin to go through stages of puberty, learning to critically think and learn, have more self identity and how to express my feelings through emotions
  • Graduation

    Best day of my life graduated with honors, working student, interacting with peers, and transitioning to adulthood
  • Start of College

    A healthy women who actively exercise with good nutrition habits,
    Startedcollege courses at community college, employed part time, and energtic and happy
  • Adulthood

    I am mentally, physically, emotionally developed with high expectations of life a social butterfly like to meet new people, in a relationship, have lose control of body changes due to lack of exercise now
  • Late Adulthood

    Have reached the age of retirement but working possible
    part time, no memory loss or confusion and like to be with my family
    - more wrinkles due to aging, hearing starting to decline
    -doing more volunteer work and have lots of wisdom
  • Epilogue

    Died of Natural causes
    Acceptance stage of death
    A living will and health care proxy to help me clarify the steps taken upon my death