My mother told my enitre family she was expecting me. -
I was born at St. John's Hospital at 8:10 pm. I weighed 6 pounds and 12 ounces. -
Babble- Cognitive
Started to Babble -
Sits Up- Biosocial
First Word- Cognitive
I finally said Momma! Or at least something close to it. -
Crawl- Biosocial
Watch out..... I am on the move now!!!! -
Potty Trained- Cognitive
Gaining Weight- Biosocial
Play- Psychosocial
Play with other children at the daycare -
Bike Chick- Cognitive
Learning to ride a bike! -
Swim Class- Cognitive
I go to swim class. -
Middle School- Cognitive/ Psychosocial
I start middle school! AHH! -
Menstrual Cycle- Biosocial
I became a woman -
Made the Team- Cognitive
I made the basketball team for the first time -
High School- Cognitive
I started high school where everything seemed so big to me. -
Employed- Cognitive
I started to babysit for my neighbors. -
Employed again- Psychosocial
I started working for my dad. -
Graduated High School- Cognitive
Graduated in the top 50 of my class -
Started a new school- Biosocial
I took classes at Schoolcraft -
Get a Real Job- Cognitive
Become a nurse -
Graduate College- Cognitive
Get my BSN from UDM! So proud of myself! -
First Nursing Job- Cognitive
After going out to many interviews at several hospitals, I landed my first job at Beaumont! -
Engagment- Psychosocial
My boyfriend set up a surprise proposal while we were on vacation. -
Get Married- Psychosocial
I got married in a beautiful church with my friends and family watching. -
First House- Cognitive
We saved up enough money and found the perfect little house to raise our family one day. -
First Child- Biosocial
Our first daughter arrived healthy and beautiful. Welcome Ellie Lou into the world!!!! -
Second Child- Biosocial
I know have a son to welcome to my family. Say hello to Benjamiin Scott. -
Third Child- Biosocial
My family is now complete with the announcent of our second daughter Sophie Marie!! -
Weight Loss- Biosocial
After having all my babies, it is time for me to get my body back in shape. Time to sweat it out. -
Continue My Education- Cognitive
I will be going back to college to specialize in a particular field of nursing. More likely neonatal. -
First Pet- Psychosocial
We got a puppy. He is a boxer named Tucker. So precious! -
College Years- Psychosocial
We sent our first child off to college. I couldn't hold back the tears!! -
First Grandchild- Psychosocial
I am now a Grandma. I have a grandson named Gavin James. He was healthy and a blessing to our family. -
Gray Hair- Biosocial
I am finding more gray hair. -
Retire- Psychosocial
I will now be able to do the things I always wanted to do. Vacations and spending time with the family and husband. -
Vacation- Psychosocial
The entire family took a nice trip to Hawaii together. All my kids and grandkids. It was so nice to experience and share the memories. -
Unstable- Biosocial
Walking has become harder. I fall down often. I use a walker for extra support. -