
Dev Psych

  • Infancy

    • born July 4th, 1991.
    • I knew whom my parent were.
    • I began to cry when held by a stranger.
  • Childhood

    • I was one of the shortest in my classes, but i was growing.
    • I was running, tripped, and scrapped my knee. I was crying until mommy kissed it.
    • Mom and dad took good care of me which led to me trusting them.
  • Adolesence

    • I was 11 years old and started to sing up front at churches. My voice cracked a lot.
    • I thought i would never get sick if i went outside in the snow without the proper gear/clothes. I did end up getting sick.
    • Started thinking if God really existed
  • Early Adulthood

    -I have been taking care of my health even more than ever. -Experienced College for the first time -My view in relationships changed. I am now looking for my spouse to live my life with.
  • Middle Adulthood

    • Health would be better then ever.
    • My career in work would be going succesful.
    • Married and with 2-3 Children