Destiny Project Timeline

  • Embargo Act

    Our character was only 4 when this act was passed in reaction to the "Chesapeake incident".
  • Beginning of War of 1812

    Moore's uncles served in war.
  • Start of Edward Moore's Journey

    Moore sets out to map along The Corps of Discovery, incorporating the history of Lewis and Clarke into his work.
  • Tariff of Abominations

    Passed by President John Quincy Adams and the Congress to protect industry in the United States.
  • Indian Removal Act

    Passed by Andrew Jackson, Moore hears of this act while having dinner with a Native American and his English wife. This act forced Native Americans to leave their land within state borders and settle west of The Mississippi.
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    The Texas Revolution

    Our character moves to Texas shortly after the beginning of The Revolution. The Texas Revolution began when people in the Mexican province of Texas began to rebel against the increasingly centralist Mexican government.
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    Battle of the Alamo

    Important point in The Texas Revolution, where Texan rebels were defeated at The Alamo. Lasted 13 Days. Jim Bowie, a prominent figure in the Revolution, perished in this battle.
  • Battle of San Jacinto

    Texan forces defeated the Mexican Army, and decided the outcome of the Texas Revolution.
  • Jesseweh's Death on The Trail of Tears

    The Trail of Tears was the forced migration of Native Americans after The Indian Removal Act. Jesseweh did not survive the harsh winter.