Destination Guidebook

  • Graduate from Bishop MacDonell C.H.S.

    Graduate from Bishop MacDonell C.H.S.
    During high school, I have achieved high grades and discovered my true interests. In French, I realized my interest in languages; in English and Communications technology, my interest in communications; in Anthropology/Psychology/Sociology, my interest in cultural relations and diplomacy; and in Philosophy, my interest in abstract thought and analytical problem solving.
  • Undergraduate degree at McGill University

    Undergraduate degree at McGill University
    In February, I was accepted at McGill, so I'll be going there in September 2016. I'm planning on double majoring in Linguistics and International Relations. My interests focus on languages and society; this degree would include both of those
  • Learn Arabic or Mandarin

    Learn Arabic or Mandarin
    I would like to learn a lesser known language at some point in my time at school. This will be challenging, but also rewardingas it is a very desirable skill in international jobs interacting with others from all over the world.Knowing a language of this sort will make me a very competitive candidate for the jobs I'm looking at. McGill has Arabic and Mandarin courses I can take as electives.
  • Internship

    A great way to get experience is internships. Both CSIS and the UN offer an abundance of internships for university students to learn how these fields are in practice, gain experience for resumes, and see new parts of the world. I am a visual-auditory learner, so seeing first hand the career I'm interested in would be immensely beneficial.
  • Master's Degree

    Master's Degree
    A Master's degree is essentially required to be competitive in the jobs I'm interested in. My interest type is the "Translator" type, which is the combination of artistic and social interests. I would take this opportunity to further develop myself in something related to these through research, study and writing. I could also take this time to live somewhere new, by applying to programs in different countries.
  • Entry Level Job at UN

    Entry Level Job at UN
    With my degree, I could get a job in International Relations, such as a diplomat, or member of a team of strategists. I could also go the language route, and enter into the organization as a Foreign Language Analyst or Interpreter. Working for the UN would satisfy one of my main motivations, which is Achievement. Making decisions that affect the lives of those marginalized and violated would be extremely fulfilling for me, as making a difference is very important in the work I do.
  • Working my way up at the UN

    Working my way up at the UN
    My personality type is INFJ, which, on, is known as the "Advocate". It says that because I am intuitive, feeling and judging, I can empathize well with others, and make logical decisions that will benefit them.
  • End Goal: Working at the United Nations in a leadership position

    End Goal: Working at the United Nations in a leadership position
    My dream job would be to be in a leadership role within the UN, strategizing internationally on various councils and directing a team of skilled individuals. An example of this would be the Director of Political Affairs in New York, which is a job opening on their website currently. To get to a position like this, you usually have to work your way up through various levels within the organisation or those similar, which can take many years.