Period: to
events in my life
create a resume
create a good resume that gives me the best chance to get a job -
Be a peer tutor
be a peer tutor in grade 11 for gym or tech -
Get my community hours done
get all 40 of my hours done so i dont have to worry about them anymore and also so i can add some of the experience i my resume -
continue doing sports through-out high school
have a job
get a job either at briwood or another seasonal job -
Begin looking at colleges and universitys
look at colleges and universitys not just near me but look for new oppertunities that could better my life -
Completion of Post-Secondary
with the option of staying an extra year. i would like to graduate with above a %78 average -
have an idea what business I want to start my carreer with
dont fail any classes in university or college
keep a %78 average in university or college -
get drivers licence
look for a person to start a family with
look into relocation as a possibility to be more successful
start carreer
look for a house or nice apartment to buy/rent