I was born in Belleville, NJ at Clara Mass Hospital at 4:15 AM. Obviously I don't remember this event, but my mother blames this to why I like staying up later. I can kinda see that. -
Period: to
My life
First bionicle
Easily one of the most significant even, getting my first bionicle. These toys rooted themselves in my childhood, as I still have them today. From the current prices on ones in my collection, I have a modern net price of over $2000. -
Moved to Arizona
With the moving of state to state quite a bit of things changed. The temperature for one, moving from NJ to AZ. Moving from the cold I loved to the ungodly heat wasn't exactly a "cool" moving for three year old me. -
First time on a Motorcycle
Another very significant event, the starting of my motorcycle life. Starting out riding with a belt tied around my waist to keep me from falling, I was raised on motorcycles. Harley Davidson will always be a part of me. -
Hit by Car
Certainly not one of the less painful memories, while in third grade I was hit by a car. The fact that my bicycle had little to no damage on it did not help explaining that to my teacher. Certainly was an interesting day. -
Became a scuba diver
As my father had been a enthusiastic scuba diver for many years it seemed only natural that I was to be pulled into the trade when I was old enough. The day after I was 10 I was in training. -
First time diving in the ocean
Although not as significant as the previous even, it was still noteworthy. Considering being in a landlocked desert, the only experience I had prior were lakes. Blue water is always better than green water. -
Purchased own motorcycle
Continuing the path of my parents, as soon as I was old enough, I bought my own harley davidson. Easily, the best 13000 I have ever spent, I have yet to regret it. That bike is my freedom. -
Started dating girlfriend
My biggest source of happiness, my current girlfriend Morgan. We had been friends for a few years before realizing we both liked each other. Now, I never want to leave her side for the rest of my life. -
Belieze diving trip
The newest of our diving trips, I was able to check another Caribbean location off of my list. Easily the best location yet, both with hotel and diving. Would gladly go again.