Democratization in South Africa mid-to-late 20th Century

By kwise55
  • The National Party Came to Power

    The National Party was an all-white government that gained power and enforced racial segregation. They introduced the political ideology of apartheid.
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    The Apartheid Era

    Apartheid was a legislative policy in which racial policies were used to segregate those that were not white citizens. The National Party put this legislature into place.
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    The United Nations put Pressure on South Africa to end APartheid

    The United Nations NEOCOLONIALISM by calling on nations to stop the sale and shipment of arms and equipment until apartheid is abolished.
  • Sharpeville Massacre

    Police shooting at peaceful demonstrators against the laws in South Africa. 69 black people were killed and around 200 injured. This caused the international movement to end apartheid to gain wide support.
  • South Africa withdraws from the Commonwealth

    South Africa withdrew from the Commonwealth due to the surrounding states pressuring them about their apartheid policies.
  • South Africa Proclaims Itself as a Republic

    South Africa was an AUTONOMOUS REGION before because although they had full SOVEREIGNTY, they were still a part of the British Empire. Now, the President that is elected is replacing the monarch as head of STATE.
  • South Africa is suspended from the General Assembly

    There was strong opposition to apartheid within the UN, so they decided to suspend South Africa from the General Assembly.
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    Township Uprising

    This was an INDEPENDENCE MOVEMENT in which there many protests demonstrations and school boycotts that led to destruction and violence against the blacks. The state declared a state of emergency. This shows how the blacks were fighting for their rights and what they believed in.
  • Apartheid Laws Repealed

    Due to many strikes, sanctions, and violent demonstrations throughout decades, many apartheid laws were appealed.
  • The Rest of the Apartheid Laws were Repealed

    President F.W. de Klerk and the government repealed the remaining apartheid laws and committed to writing a new Constitution.
  • A New Type of Government is Approved

    A multi racial, multi party transitional government was approved for South Africa.
  • South Africa has their first Fully Free Elections

    For the first time, South Africa is having free elections. Nelson Mandela is elected President.
  • Nelson Mandela is sworn into Presidency

    Nelson Mandela was a poltical activist who spent 27 years in prison after being convicted of treason. He was South Africa's first President under their new government.