Democratic Ideology.

  • Dec 12, 1000


    Cleisthenes, known as "The Father of Atheneian Democracy" was born in 570 bc. In his lifetime he helped turn Athens Greece into a direct democracy.
  • Period: Dec 12, 1000 to

    Democratic Ideology

  • Dec 12, 1001

    Athenian Democracy

    In 508 bc Athens Greece became the worlds first direct democracy. Included a legeslative assemble comprised totally of athenian citizens, and was even more democratic than todays democracies. Ordinary citizens would be selected at random to hold government and judicial positions, and changed frequently.
  • Dec 12, 1215

    Magna Carta

    The Magna Carta was a document imposed upon King John of England by his Barrons, in an attempt to limit his personal power and legally protect their own rights. Athough it failed to limit the kings power as significantly as hoped, it was used as a model for future democratic documents, such as the US consitution.
  • Dec 12, 1265

    De Montforts Parliament

    First attempt at creating a Parliament in England. Athough it was not fully democratic, leaving out a large portion of the population, it was influential in the creating of future Parliaments.
  • House of Burgesses

    Democratic governmnt established in Jamestown Virginia. Legislative assembly of elected representitives. Foundation for democracy in United states.
  • John Locke

    John Locke was possibly the most influential figure in the establishment of Enlightenment ideas. He anonamously published the "Two treaties of Government" in which he challenges the devine right of kings, and explains democratic principals. Included in these were "Natural Rights" which included the right to life, liberty, and property, representative governmnt, and the right to revolution against an unjust government. Foundation for future democracies and constitutions.
  • William Penn

    Founded the state of Pennsylvania, which was ran democraticly. He also incuraged the colonies in America to unite, as well as recomending the allowance of constitutional ammendmnts.
  • English Bill of Rights

    Passed by the Parliament of England in 1689 in order to restrict the powers of the crown, and to protect freedom of speach in Parliament. It also gave citizens the right to petition against the monarch without fear of incarceration. Influential to the United States Constitution.
  • Baron De Montesquieu

    Published "The Spirit of the Laws" in 1748, which made a clear distinctin between a democracy and other forms of government, and included ideas such as the seperations of powers, very influential in future democracies.
  • Parliament of Great Brittain Established

    After the merger of England and Scotland the Parliament of Great Brittain was established. This new Parliament now held more power than before, and further limited the power of the monarch.
  • Jean Jacques Rousseau

    Wrote the social contract, by which citizens and rulers were held to the same laws. This was incredibably infuential in the further developmnt of democracy.
  • Thomas Jefferson

    Thomas Jefferson was arguably the most influential of americas founding fathers. One of his beleifs was that all citizens should be able to take part in government. He was also the author of the United States Declaration of Independance, and also helped write the United States Constitution.
  • Corsican Republic

    Founded upon enlightenment ideas in 1775. It was the first nation in modern history to establish a democratic constitution. This constitution granted rights to all citizens including women. Nation did not last long however.
  • United States Constitution

    After successfully revolting from British rule americans created the US Constitution, which is still in effect today, and possibly the most influential democratic document of all time.
  • Declaration of the rights of man and of the citizen

    French revolutionary document, closley resembling US constitution, and with similar goals.
  • Threatened by Socialism

    The great depression turned european countries towards socialism. Hindering the spread of democracy. A policy of containment however, was successfully used to prevent the spread of socialism. Socialism remained a threat to democracy until the fall of the soviet union.
  • Fall of Soviet Union

    The soviet union which was the largest threat democracy fell in 1991. Countries once part of the soviet union were now able to become democratic nation states.
  • Today

    Of the 192 countries around today, 120 of them are electoral democracies. Making the democratic system the most widely used in the world. Democracy will continue to gain strength in the future.