Jan 1, 1000
The code of king Hammurabi
The actual date it wqas created is 1772 BC. It is an early example of laws being used to find and punish the guilty party. The most famous is,"If a man destroy the eye of another man, they shall destroy his eye..." this shows that the punishment to the guilty should be about equal to what the guilty did. -
Jun 15, 1215
King John 1: Magna Carta
King John the first was forced to sign this document. It greatly reduced his power. This is an excilent example of the powerful losing their power because of a signed document. -
John Locke: Concerning Civil Government
This document was made to show that each man has his/her freedom and that it is their "natural liberty to be free." -
Declaration Of The Rights Of Man
It stated that you can do what ever you want as long as you don't hurt anyone else or do anything beyond the rules that the nation decids. It also states, a man is allowed to be free and do anything as long as he dosent cause harm to another person. This privelage is available to everyone in that country. -
Amendment 15 to Constitution of the U.S.
This document showed that people of all races, skin colur, religons, have the right to vote. The discrimanation due to skin colur was humongus, this helped in making things more fair. -
New Zeland: Election Act
This signed document of New Zeland, allowed the right for women to vote. Now, not only can different people of different backgrounds vote, all genders can vote. -
The Start of European Member States
Since there were alot of wars in the continent of europe, the countries were becoming worse and worse. To allow peace to prosper, it was decided that Countries could join together and help each other. Laws are placed for the countries, so that they can reduce wars. -
U.N. Universal Declaration of Human Rights
This article makes sure that everyone is being allowed the rights that they deserve. It dosen't dicrimanate races or religeon. It is for all people.