
Democracy Timeline

  • Quebec Act

    Quebec Act
    Quebec Act Video
    The Quebec act enlarged the province boundaries of both Quebec and Labrador, as well as Ile d'Anticosti, Iles de la Madeleine, and Aboriginal territiory south of the great lakes. The act also restored French civil law and Bitish criminal law, allowing the French to continue to use their previous Seigneurial system.
  • The Constitutional Act

    The Constitutional Act
    The Constitution Act VideoThe Constituational act consisted of the British Parliament seperating upper and lower Canada. The objectives to creating the Canadian Confederation were: To establish a government that would give the same rights and privileges to everyone. To give colonial assemblies the right to impose tax rates or fines. To justify the division and creation of separate provinces. And lastly, to strengthen bonds by learning from the previous government's mistakes.
  • Act of Union

    Act of Union
    Act of Union
    The act of Union united the colonies of upper and lower Canada under one government. This created the Provinces of Canada. The act created conflict between upper and lower Canada, because the French language was suspended from specific French Canadian institutions relating to education and civil law. Upper Canada opposed the union, while lower Canada were against the act's anti-French speaking rules and laws.
  • Constitution Act

    Constitution Act
    Constitution Act Video
    The Constitution act is the distribution of powers between the central parliament and the provincial legislatures. This act was connected to the British North America act and provided the Confederation of the Province of Canada. The Constitution act was the start of Canada becoming it's own country and seperating itself from British control.
  • British North America Act

    British North America Act
    BNA act Song
    The British North America act was passed by the British Parliament. It allowed Canada to become a self-governing country.The BNA act is often known as Canada's greatest strength as well as it's greatest challenge. Gradually, though, the provincial governments found a compromise inside what the BNA act limited by providing support from federal grants and standard national heath care.
  • The Geary Act

    The Geary Act
    The Geary act required all chinese people who lived in the United States to carry a resident permit (kind of like a passport). In addition to this law, the Chinese weren't abligates to be a witness in court and couldn't revieve bail if they were brought to jail.
  • Australia Constitution Act

    Australia Constitution Act
    The Australia Constitution act was established as the guidlines for how Australia's nation would be shaped. It also blueprinted the lives of Australians. IT provided authority for the powers where laws are made, where the executive government implements them and where our courts operate.
  • The Wartime Elections Act

    The Wartime Elections Act
    The Wartime Elections act was introduced to deprive citizens of enemy-alien birth (not of british decent) to vote, unless they had a song, grandson, or brother on active duty in the war. The act also allowed wives, mothers, and sisters of soldiers to vote, as well as women serving in the armed forces.
  • Defence Production Act

    Defence Production Act
    The Defense Production act was made to establish a system that organized the more important priorities according to the place. To provide assistance with money for expansion or to get more supplies. It also strengthens control over credit. It does all of this to strengthen the production of goods that are needed for the states national security.
  • Cuban Democracy Act

    Cuban Democracy Act
    President Conference Audio
    The Cuban Democracy act was introduced to strengthen the international standards for human rights and democratic values. It gives the Cuban people more freedom of speech, press, assembly, and other rights.
  • The Civil Rights Act

    The Civil Rights Act
    The Civil Rights act was the start of the revolution of descrimination. It forbid the ability to descriminate based on sex, religion, national origin, and race when hiring, promoting, or firing people. Because of this act, our law today prohibits the act of discriminating people based on these terms. Any individual with respect to his compensation, terms, conditions, pprivileges, or employment would not be fired or treated differently based on their sex or skin.
  • Australia Rights and Freedom Act

    Australia Rights and Freedom Act
    The Rights and Freedoms act in Australia reflects the belief of equality towards rights of all people. Australia developed themselves up to the standard of international human rights. They also engages and supports in developing countries in their improvment of their human rights standards.
  • The Aboriginal Lands Act

    The Aboriginal Lands Act
    The Aboriginal lands act recognises certain rights of Tasmanians of Aboriginal decent. It provided the establishment of an Aboriginal council to own and manage their lands that have cultural or historical signifigance.
  • The Human Rights Act

    The Human Rights Act
    Human Rights VideoThe Human Rights act requires all public bodies (such as courts, police, local government, hospitals, etc.) tocarry out public functions and accept the convention rights. This means that individuals can take human rights cases into court if they feel like they must argue on the way that they're treated. The act sets out rughts and freedoms that individuals in the UK have access to.
  • Patriot Act

    Patriot Act
    Patriot Act Video
    The goal of the Patriot act was to strengthen domestic security and support the power of law-enforcement. This in the end would help to identify and stop terrorists. The Patriot act so far has been extremely controversial and has a high number of successful investigations and arrests or terrorists.