Democracy Timeline

  • Period: 350 to Apr 26, 700

    Athenian Democracy (The FIrst Democracy)

    700 - 350 BCE The Ancient Greeks had the first system of Democracy. They hadd three branches.Ekklesia, Boule, and Dikasteria. Ekklesia being a sovereign body who wrote laws and dictated
    foreign policy. Boule being a council of representitives from all ten of the Athenian tribes, and Dikasteria, the popular courts where citizens argued cases before a group lottery selected jurors.
  • 509

    Rome Decalered a Republic

    Rome Decalered a Republic
    509 BCE Rome was declared a republic after the upper class rebelled against the king. Afterwards, all the power was kept with the upper class (the partricians). That is until the Plebs (common folk) rebelled and won more rights. The Plebs helped create a new democratic system giving people a say.
  • Apr 26, 1215

    Magna Carta

    Magna Carta
    The Magna Carta cut off some of the rights a king had. The king could not:
    - Steal firewood from other lands
    - Force widow to re-marry
    - Force knights to pay money to excuse them from
    guarding the castle
    - Confiscate horses and/or carts
    - Force villagers to build bridges over rivers. This effectively restricted the king from doing whatever he wants to do.
  • Period: to

    American Revolution

    The American Revolution creataed the first true democracy. Americans were free to vote for their constitution of government. No branch of the government could not abuse their power. Like all the other democracys, women weren't allowed to vote. That is until 1919.
  • French Revoluton

    The French Revoluton started because the middle class of France wanted to over their monarch King Louis XVI and Queen Marie Antoinette and start a democracy
  • United Nations

    United Nations
    The United Nations created the declaration of Human Rights stating that humans hava a right to live and work free from abuse from governments. That all people are “born free and equal and that
    all have the right to life, liberty and the security of