Pericles Leads The Athenian Governement. A council of 500 is chosen by lottery from all male citizens over the age of 30. (460 BCE- 429 BCE)
When Pericles started to lead the Athenian Government he started to think about democracy, and how it could help with voting on matters. The men on the council were on the council for a year and a max. of two years. The assembly of all Greek citizens (adult males of Greek descent from both parents)meet 40 times a year to approve or reject the descisions of the Assembly of 500.
This is important because this showed democracy forming and set the foundation for today's modern democracy. -
Cleisthenes Establishes The First Democractic Constitution (505 BCE)
Cleisthenes remade the constitution of Athens and established democracy. He instituted new laws which decreased the power of the artistocracy and increased the power of the citizens. He attempted to join the separate tribes of the mountan, the plain, and the shore together under a new form of government.
This event is important because this is when the first seeds of democratic ruling and laws under a controlled governement started to take place. -
Jan 1, 621
Athens Develops A Written Code of Laws (621 BCE)
In Athens, many decided that laws should be written down. This was because laws and punishments would get mixed up by word of mouth. Also some citizens did not know if they were breaking a law or not.
Draco was a legislator, under the governemnts power in Athens who wrote the law codes. These laws were so harsh that even minor offenses could result in the death penalty.
This event is important because it showed how laws can be good and bad when made up by one single person, and not a democracy. -
Jan 1, 650
Tyrants Rule Some Greek City-States (650 BCE)
Tyrants started to rule some Greek city states because the poorer classes' discontent with the ruling class. Dissatisfaction with the ruling class couldv'e started because of their control of political, military and economic life, etc. Tyrants took over the city-state with force and the power of the people because the citizens believe they will be good rulers.
This event is important because it showed sometimes tyrants can be better for people over democracy. -
Jan 1, 700
Most Greek City-States Become Oligarchies (700 BCE- 650 BCE)
These oligarchies that formed in most of the Greek city-states were ruled by the wealthy wine and olive merchants and landowners. During this, many farmers became impoverished and were sold into slavery. This event was important because it showed how a democracy might be better because everyone could get advice and give opinions based off of their life style. This could have helped farmers have their voice heard so they could figure out a way to make money so they didn't have to become slaves.