

  • Jan 1, 1580

    Peter Minut

    Peter Minut
    Peter Minuit was born
  • Henry Hudson.

    Henry Hudson.
    Henry Hudson, an Englishman, under commission the Dutch East India Company and seeking a Northwest passage to China and Japan, discovered Delaware Bay
  • Delaware Bay

    Delaware Bay
    Sir Samuel Argall names the Delaware Bay after Virginia governor Sir De La Warr.
  • Delaware was founded

    Delaware was founded
    The Delaware Colony was founded in 1638 by Peter Minuit and New Sweden Company.
  • New Sweden colony

    New Sweden colony
    Swedish settlement led by Peter Minuit starting the the New Sweden Colony
  • first African in Delaware

    first African in Delaware
    The first African in Delaware,Black Anthony, is brought from the Caribbean to Fort Christina.
  • Pete Stuvesn

    Pete Stuvesn
    Peter Stuyvesant,Dutch governor of New Netherland, builds Fort Casimir ner Fort Christina on Delaware.
  • dutch take over

    dutch take over
    The Dutch take over from the Swedes.
  • New England colony

    New England colony
    Sir Robert Carr drives the Dutch off the Delaware and Delaware becomes an English colony
  • British take over

    British take over
    The British takeover and Delaware becomes part of New York.
  • legislative assembly

    legislative assembly
    The "Three Lower Counties" of Pennsylvania were granted their own legislative assembly.
  • mills are found

    mills are found
    During this time period, several Quaker families (the Tatnells, Canbys, Shipleys, Leas, Mortons, and Pooles) had founded Delaware's grain milling industry on the Brandywine River, creating demand for grain shipped by farms up the Delaware River or hauled overland by Conestoga wagon.
  • seven years war

    seven years war
    Due to disputes over land is won by Great Britain. France gives England all French territory east of the Mississippi River, except New Orleans. The Spanish give up east and west Florida to the English in return for Cuba
  • grain crops trade

    grain crops trade
    As tobacco declined in significance by 1770, other grain crops such as wheat, corn, barley, oats, and rye gained in importance as Delaware's agricultural trade steadily expanded through the latter part of the century.
  • capital of delaware

    capital of delaware
    Dover becomes the capital of Delaware
  • 1st state in the US

    1st state in the US
    Delaware becomes the 1st state in the U.S.
  • first united states patents

    first united states patents
    1790, Oliver Evans was granted one of the very first United States patents, signed by President George Washington and Thomas Jefferson.
  • steamboats

    Steamboats became popular in Delaware
  • Big bodies of water open

    Big bodies of water open
    The Chesapeake and Delaware canal opened, linking the region's two major bodies of water.
  • first orchard

    first orchard
    Isaac Reeves had planted the first orchard of "budded" fruit trees in Delaware – a technique of propagation by grafting that ensured that a whole planting produced the same variety.
  • peaches were shipped

    peaches were shipped
    Major Phillip Reybold from Delaware City become the "peach king," shipping peaches by sail and steamboat.
  • the civil war

    the civil war
    The American Civil War. In 1859 John Brown raided Harpers Ferry and set in motion events that led directly to the outbreak of the Civil War. outbreak of the Civil War. Abraham Lincoln, a known opponent of slavery, was elected president and in 1861 the South Secedes. The initial Secession of South Carolina was followed by the secession of Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, Texas, Virginia, Arkansas, Tennessee, and North Carolina.
  • slavery ended

    slavery ended
    Slavery is ended in Delaware with the ratification of the 13th amendment
  • state flower

    state flower
    The Delaware General Assembly made the peach blossom the official state flower.
  • Cattle

    Henry Francis duPont sold the mixed breed of Guernsey and Holstein cattle and develops a better, more productive breed.
  • rail road

    rail road
    The Supplee-Wills-Jones milk station at Nassau was built as a rail shipping point for the Lewes-Rehoboth area.
  • first fair

    first fair
    The first fair opened on July 27 in Harrington. Admission was 25 cents for children and 50 cents for adults.
  • modern broiler industry

    modern broiler industry
    Cecile Steele experimented with using larger houses to raise their birds, inspiring the modern broiler industry.
  • research station and expansion

    research station and expansion
    The University of Delaware purchased the Tyndall farm west of Georgetown developing an agricultural extension and research station