Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882
Source: thesocietypages.org -
Period: to
Mexican Revolution
A revolution in Mexico ending the dictatorship in Mexico and establishing a constitutional republic, giving Mexicans more rights. -
National Labor Relations Act of 1935
Source: countable.us -
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Bracero Program
This program lasted 22 years, offering employment contracts to 5 million workers. -
Operation Wetback
A U.S. immigration law enforcement campaign resulting in the mass deportation of 1 million Mexican nationals. Source: Vox.com -
Strike hits California's Grape Harvest
Coachella Valley Strike
Source: KQED.org -
The first collaboration between Filipino and Mexican American workers
Source: csustan.edu -
March to Sacramento
Source: WSWS.org -
Police Brutality
Police beat and arrest a striking worker in Delano. The union intends take legal action against the police officers. -
National Attention
Striking farmworkers and supporters gain the most national attention for boycott of California table grapes. -
Chavez's Fast and Kennedy's Entry
Source: pbs.org -
The End
The United Farm Workers sign three-year contracts with the Delano grape growers, thus ending the strike and boycott. -
Contracts Expire
With the expiration of the grape contracts of 1970, workers sign with the Teamsters Union. -
Agricultural Labor Relation Act is passed