My life

  • Princess Elizabeth becomes queen

    Princess Elizabeth becomes queen
    King George VI died from an illness and his eldest daughter (Princess Elizabeth) became queen.
  • Sesame Street Debuts

    Sesame Street Debuts
    Famous TV show Sesame Street broadcasts on television for the first time.
  • Back to the future released

    Back to the future released
    Blockbuster action-comedy film Back to the future released.
  • Nelson Mandela released from prison

    Nelson Mandela released from prison
    Nelson Mandela was released from prison after serving a 27 year sentence, he later became president of South Africa.
  • Birth

    I was born in Hobart at the Hobart Royal Hospital on the 27th of December 2004.
  • South-east Asia earthquake and Tsunami

    South-east Asia earthquake and Tsunami
    280,000 people died in the tsunami and earthquake in Indonesia, Malaysia and India. It was the third highest magnitude (9.3)
    earthquake recorded by a seismograph.
  • Moved from Hobart to Perth

    My family and I moved to be closer to our relatives. I was about 1 month old.
  • Moving from Perth to Onslow

    My family moved to Onslow so we could be closer to my Dad's work.
  • Moved from Perth to Rosebery

    Moved from Perth to Rosebery
    My family and I moved from Perth to Rosebery after moving back to Perth from Onslow 2 years prior. We moved because of my Dad's work. (Again.)
  • Moved back to Perth from Rosebery

    We moved because we needed to be closer to my Dad's work at Barrow Island up North. (Hopefully the last time.)
  • Started at St. Dominics primary school

    Started at St. Dominics primary school
    I started Pre-Primary at St. Dominics primary. My cousins had been there before.
  • Moved back to Hobart

    My family moved back to Hobart so we could be closer to Dad's work in Zeehan on the west coast of Tasmania. (This has got to be the last time...)
  • Started at Hutchins

    I started at Hutchins grade 6, this has got to be the last school I go to. Only the year before I had started at a new school, called Newman College.
  • First day of middle school

    I started middle school at Hutchins in the class 7MHO. I have been to 5 schools in the past 8 years and I hope this will be the last one.