
By epaige
  • Big News for the Elk Population

    There is big news for the elk population of Wisconsin today.
    Currently the elk population in Wisconsin is about 185. There are more calves surviving now that the bear predation is down. Right now there are plans to reintroduce elk into the Clam Lake herd as well as starting a new herd in the Black River Falls area.
    Since 2010 UW Stevens Point has helped capture and tag 1000 deer for research purposes. These deer could be monitored in new CWD testing.
  • 2013 Deer Season Wrap Up

    The deer harvest for 2013 was prosperous for many hunters. Just using archery techniques alone hunters harvested over 88,000 deer in Wisconsin. However that does not compare to the deer hunted with guns which came out to be around 255,000 deer harvested. However these deer may have had poor antler development due to last winters effects. CWD was seen often this season with fatal prions found in 22 states. $5 from every bonus tag will be put towards CWD testing this year.
  • Earn A Buck has been Reinstated

    Hunters must earn their antlers now that the Earn-a-Buck rule has been reinstated in the Farmland hunting zones of Wisconsin. The female deer population has risen too high so the DNR is now requiring hunters to harvest a doe before they can harvest a buck. Some hunters have been dissatisfied with EAB in the past. Deer baiting and feeding is banned this year from the first of September until the end of hunting season. Hunting was improved a previous year this rule was in place.
  • Free Antlerless Tags

    There was much discussion about what regulations to enforce on free antler-less tags for 2015. Some members of the council wanted to charge $12 per doe harvested, however that hurt Buffalo County in the past. Members debated whether or not the number of free tags given out was too high. Members decided that the free tags must only be used on public lands or specific lands in specific counties.
  • Brief Season Recap

    The Deer & Elk Committee has wrapped up this years hunting season. The committee discussed how the season went, how 2015's quota will be set, new regulations for youth tags, and how the elk introduction project is going. The UW Stevens Point research project is still underway for its fifth year capturing and monitoring deer.