African independence map

Decolonization of sub-Saharan Africa

  • Apartheid Begins in South Africa

    Apartheid Begins in South Africa
    Apartheid was an ugly consequence of decolonization. It was one of the most striking examples of denying human rights as a response to decolonization.
  • Ghana: The First Independent Sub-Saharan State

    Ghana: The First Independent Sub-Saharan State
    Ghana was the first sub-Saharan and "black African" state to gain independence from colonial rule. The independence movement was led by Kwame Nkrumah and influenced the rest of Africa.
  • The Organization of African Unity is Formed

    The Organization of African Unity is Formed
    This union was formed and joined by both Northern African states and sub-Saharan states. Thier aims included defending African independence and eradicating all forms of colonialism. They also aimed to raise the standard of living for Africans and guarantee human rights.
  • All of Sub-Saharan Africa is Independent

    All of Sub-Saharan Africa is Independent
    Zimbabwe (formerly the colony of Rhodesia) was recognized as an independent state and was the final sub-Saharan country to be held under European rule. Other countries have since declared independence from other African countries but 1980 marked the end of the European empires in Africa.
  • Robert Mugabe Elected President of Zimbabwe

    Robert Mugabe Elected President of Zimbabwe
    Mugabe was elected president in the new state of Zimbabwe. While things were tense during his first decade in office his second is an example of a leader gone bad. He kept power by force and destroyed the economy. He forced any Europeans out of the country helping to ruin the economy even more.
  • Apartheid Ends in South Africa

    Apartheid Ends in South Africa
    After nearly half a century Nelson Mandela comes to power through multi-racial democratic elections in South Africa officially ending apartheid there. South Africa is now one of the wealthiest African countries and white and black men can freely and equally live together.