Decline of the Qing Dynasty

  • Limit Trading in China

    The Qing Dynasty was first move towards decline was in 1759. During this time, the emperor limited the amount of European Trade occurring in China. This limiting would lead to the next major event leading the Qing Dynasty to decline, the Opium Wars.
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    The First Opium War

    The First Opium War was mainly between China and the United Kingdom. Due to not having an unbalanced trade, the British turned to trading opium. The trading of the drug was illegal in China and wasn't accepted. Because the Chinese stopped the trade, the British relied to war. The British were stronger and were able to destroy the Chinese.
  • The Treaty of Nanjing

    This treaty was the treaty to bring peace and stop the first opium war. Territories were split up and rights of trade were granted to certain countries with special laws. Due to having to pay for the war and replace many damaged ships, the Qing Dynasty was on its way to decline.
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    Tai Ping Rebellion

    The start of the decline lead to up rises, reforms, and rebellions. The Tai Ping Rebellion was a group of peasants who were suffering because of the decline. Due to the rebellion the decline of the dynasty grew, countless people were lost along with struggles with Western European powers.
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    Second Opium War

    The Second Opium War declined the Qing Dynasty just as it happened in the first war. After being defeated by various countries during war and losing money, people, and land the dynasty declined until it fell in 1911.
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    Boxer Rebellion

    This fueled rebellion caused various problems for the Qing Dynasty. The rebellion not only damaged China but as well was the key aspect that led the fall of the Qing Dynasty. The rebellion caused other countries to help China but then force them to pay for the damages. With the lost of countless people and large payment, the Boxer Rebellion was the main cause of decline after 1899.
  • Fall Of Qing Dynasty

    The Qing Dynasty was on its knees in defeat, but when the last emperor stood down leaving China powerless. The Qing Dynasty fell and its history came to a close.