
Decline and Fall of Rome Dates

  • 200

    200s A.D.

    200s A.D.
    In the 200s A.D. Rome's began to fall apart. Government weakened, law and order broke down. As Rome's economy worsened, people stopped buying goods. Many workers left to serve in the army. A plague took its toll. Prices increased rapidly. Roman government couldn't afford to defend its territories and had to find a way to pay its soldiers and officials.
  • 235

    235 A.D.

    235 A.D.
    In 235 A.D. Rome's last Severan ruler died. Rome's government became very weak. Army leader fought each other for the throne for almost 50 years. Rome had 22 different leaders, during this time. Fewer Romans honored the old ideals of duty, courage, and honesty. Talented people refused to serve in government. Some wealthy people refused to pay taxes. Wealthy Romans supported slavery, because it meant less work that they had to do.
  • 284

    284 A.D.

    284 A.D.
    A general name Diocletian, became emperor in 284 A.D. Diocletian introduce reforms to stop the empire's decline. Diocletian divided the empire into 4 parts, because the empire was too large for one person to rule. He named officials to rule these parts but kept power over all. To slow inflation Diocletian issued rules that set the prices for goods, and the wages to be paid to the workers. To make sure that they never ran out of goods, Diocletian ordered people to work their job till they died.
  • 300

    Late 300s A.D.

    Late 300s A.D.
    In the late 300s A.D., The Huns entered Eastern Europe and defeated the Ostrogoths. The Visigoths, fearing they'd be next, asked the Eastern Roman empire for protection. He let them settle just inside the empires border. In return, they promised to be loyal to Rome. Before long, trouble broke out between the Romans and the Visigoths. The Romans kidnapped and enslaved many of the Visigoths. Finally, the Visigoths rebelled against the Romans.
  • 312

    312 A.D.

    312 A.D.
    In 312 A.D. another general became emperor. To aid the economy, Constantine (the new emperor) issued several orders. The son's of workers had to follow their trade. Ex: the son's of soldiers had to be in the army. Constantine's changes didn't halt the empire's decline in Rome. Constantine then move the then dying Rome to a new city in the east. He chose the Greek city of Byzantium. In Byzantium, he built a forum, an amphitheater called the Hippodrome, and many palaces. The city is now Istanbul.
  • 337

    337 A.D.

    337 A.D.
    When Constantine died, fighting broke out, until finally another emperor rose and took control and ended the fighting, Proving to be difficult to rule, Theodosius (the emperor) decided to divide the empire after his death.
  • 378

    378 A.D.

    378 A.D.
    In 378 A.D., they defeated the Roman legions at the Battle of Adrianople. After the defeat the Rome were forced to give up land to the Visigoths. The Germanic tribes now knew that Rome couldn't defend themselves. More and more Germanic warriors crossed borders in search of land
  • 395

    395 A.D.

    395 A.D.
    In 395 A.D.,the Roman empire split into two empires.One was the Western Roman Empire with its capital at Rome.The other was the Eastern Roman Empire with its capital of Constantinople.As Rome declined,it was no longer able to hold back the Germanic tribes on its borders.Many different Germanic tribes existed including:Ostrogoths, Visigoths,Franks,Vandals,Angles,and Saxons.These Germanic tribes were looking for warmer climates.In addition many were fleeing the Huns warriors in Mongolia in Asia.
  • 406

    406 A.D.

    406 A.D.
    In the winter of 406 A.D., the Rhine River in Western Europe froze. Germanic groups crossed the frozen river into Gaul, which is France today. The Romans were too weak to force the Germanic groups back across the border.
  • 410

    410 A.D.

    410 A.D.
    The Visigoth leader Alaric and his soldiers captured Rome itself in 410 A.D.. They burned Rome's records and looted their treasury. Rome's capture was a huge shock to everyone, as it was the first time Rome had been captured in 800 years! Another Germanic group named the Vandals overran Spain and northern Africa. The Vandals also enslaved some Roman landowners and drove others away. The Vandals then sailed into Italy.
  • 455

    455 A.D.

    455 A.D.
    In 455 A.D. the Vandals entered Rome. They spent twelve days stripping buildings of everything valuable and burning them. That's where the English word vandalism came from, which means, "the willful destruction of property." By the time the mid 400s A.D, several Germanic leaders held high posts in Rome's government and army.
  • 476

    476 A.D.

    476 A.D.
    A Germanic general named Odoacer took control and overthrew the western emperor; who at the time was only a 14-year-old boy named Romulus Augustulus. After Romulus no one from Rome ever ruled again. Odoacer controlled Rome for almost 15 years. A group of Visigoths seized the city of Rome and killed Odoacer. The Visigoths then set up a kingdom in Italy under their leader, Theodoric.
  • 550

    550 A.D.

    550 A.D.
    By 550 A.D., The Western Roman Empire had faded away. Many Roman beliefs remained, however, For example, Europe's new Germanic leaders adopter the Latin language, Roman laws, and Christianity. The Eastern Roman Empire prospered and became know as the Byzantine Empire and lasted nearly 1,000 more years.