Jódöntés rossz döntés

Decisions in my life

  • Choose horse riding

    Choose horse riding
    After doing balett for 2 years, I came to a tough decision. I left balett behind because of the lack of talent and I started a new hobby: horse riding, As I was always in love with these beautiful creatures I found a place where I could live for my hobby. I went to ride a horse in Buda, which was much more expensive than balett but more enjoyable.
    Opportunity cost: If i had chosen balett, i wouldn't spend so much.
  • Study at Berzeviczy

    Study at Berzeviczy
    When i was in class 8, i had to decide which secondary school i want to study at. There were two options: Berze and Károlyi Mihály Secondary Scool. Finally i chose Berze beacuse of the bilingual class and i haven't regret it.
    Opportunity cost: If i had chosen the other educational institution, the journey would have been shorter.
  • Holiday at Lake Balaton

    Holiday at Lake Balaton
    Last summer we wanted to travel abroad for a week. Unfortunately we didn't collect as much as we needed for a bigger holiday. Finally we decided to go to Lake Balaton for a few days and spare money for next summer to travel to Zakynthos.
    Opportunity cost: We could go on holiday to a close country but in this case we couldn't save more money for our future holiday.
  • Have a cheaper phone

    Have a cheaper phone
    Before Christmas i was in the situtation to make a choice between two phones. My decision was the cheaper one for a main reason. Due to this, we can save more money for the dog i have always dreamt of.
    Opportunity cost: If a had purchased a really expensive telephone, we couldn't afford to buy a dog.
  • Sleeping or studying

    Sleeping or studying
    I am always in trouble as a have to decide what i spend my time on: sleeping in the afternoon or preparing for the tests. Most of the time i rather study because i am really conscientious.
    Opportunity cost: If a chose sleeping, i would not have such good marks. However i could rest.