Green Day concert
I'm met with my idol, had a great time, I went to my first concert
alternative cost: I had to miss a schoolday, I had to demit a meeting -
Choose Berze
I make a list from schools where I'm wanted to go study and I wrote down Berze from this list as 3rd school.
alternative costs: I couldn't go to Dózsa because I'm not faild the exam, I won't be famous actress, I can't study in Latin -
without bff
I have an arguement with my ex bff and on this day i decided to never talk again with her.
alternative costs: I spend a lot of time alone, I demit from get on well again with her -
new style
I found a new bff and I chnaged my style from the old rocker girl to a tipic "coolkid" style
alternative costs: I'm not the old me, i had to changed my wardrobe my music style my interests and my friendship -
Been together
Advanteges: I'm in love, I found the perfect boy for me, I'm not alone, have great time together, be happy
Alternative costs: I can't chosse another boy, I can't speak with my boy friends, I can't start again the things with my exboyfriend, I have to demit from meet another boys