WWII influences around the world, skirts were slimmer & shorter. Women wore slacks. Christian Dior started to design suits and dresses for womens work. -
1950 Fashion
People who influnced 50s clothing were the Teddy Boys, Christian Dior, and Coco Chanel. Popular clothing High Wasted Pants, Pony Tails, and the sihouette was the Hour Glass Figure. -
Fashion Designer influence declined, Chanel suilts and pillbox hat-women. Young men-colorful fabrics, mini skirts, pantyhose, and polyester. -
1970 Fashion
Bob Gibb, Thea Porter, Bell bottom jeans, bright colors, big sunglasses, retro patterns, light weight & spandex clothing, empire waist silhouette -
1980 Fashion
Nacy Reagan, Madonna, Mtv were big fashion influences, puff sleeves, jelly shoes, power dressing, hammer pants, Aids was diagnosed, leather & cotton were popular textiles -
Natural shape, baggy pants, not one style dominated, styles re-emerged. Casual business attire for men. -
2000 Fashion
Kanye Weset, Jay-z, Destiny Child, Marc Jacobs all companies that influenced fashion, mini skirts, faux fur, daisy dukes & neon colors