Decade of Inventions

  • The iPad - Steve Jobs

    The iPad - Steve Jobs
    The iPad was Apple's first handheld tablet which set the bar for its competitors. The iPad, even to this day, is widely used in education to allow students the functionality of a computer while still remaining relatively small.
  • Google Chromebook - Jeff Nelson

    Google Chromebook - Jeff Nelson
    This computer was created by Google. It allowed people to have a different option when shopping for a new computer often being less expensive than its competitors.
  • The Apple Watch - Steve Jobs

    The Apple Watch - Steve Jobs
    The Apple Watch was a game changer when it come to everyday tasks with a large focus on fitness. People to this day use them as a form of utility to handle a multitude of tasks without the need of pulling their phones out.
  • Quantum Computer - IBM

    Quantum Computer - IBM
    Created by IBM, a quantum computer is a rapidly-emerging technology that harnesses the laws of quantum mechanics to solve problems too complex for classical computers.
  • 3d Metal Printing - Carl Deckard

    3d Metal Printing - Carl Deckard
    3d Metal Printing can create tool components and finished parts in sectors such as the aerospace and automotive sectors. 3D printing can produce aircraft components or rocket motors, saving weight and lowering costs.