Infancy-physical development
I started walking when I was 11 months old. I took my first step in Fort Payne Alabama with my father. -
Infancy-emotional development
I was securely attached to my grandmother and parents who were my primary caregivers. My temperament as a baby was very calm and easy to handle. I was creative and extroverted with a playful personality. -
Infancy- Cognitive Development
A story that demonstrates one concept of Piaget's stages of development would have to be when I was a child I loved to pretend play with any object like a stuffed animal or just pretend that was something I wasn't. I was experiencing the world through a pretend lense. I interacted with the world and made it my own. -
Early Childhood- emotional development
My friends and family described me as friendly. joyful, and generally happy child, as well as infant. -
Early Childhood- cognitive development
I realized that I would not stay the same age forever and one day all of it would end. I learned about death at a very young age. My parents never lied to me about Santa, the tooth fairy, or any other fictional character. -
Early Childhood- cognitive development
When I was a young child I had many interests. I loved to play with my stuffed animals, draw, sing, and hang out with my friends whenever I could. I was also interested in space and still am today. I knew that I was interested in these things and grouped them into categories which fits the idea of categorization. I was beginning to think about logical and concrete events -
Early childhood- cognitive development
I remember my mom would sing to me which helped my language acquisition. My grandmother also helped me when she would explain words that I did not know when we read children's books. -
Middle and Late Childhood- cognitive development
Once I started to up a little more I came to the realization that the past could not be repeated and I could not stop time from going forward. It was a hard pill to swallow because I loved being a child so much and would do it all over again if I could. -
Middle and Late childhood- cognitive development
I became aware that not everyone was as fortunate as I was as a child. I had a family that loved me and took good care of me. Not everyone has the same opportunity that I did. -
Middle and Late childhood- physical development
I got a lot of exercise as a child. I loved to climb trees, run, and swing outside. I was a very active child. exercise has always been a big part of my life. When I was active outside I would use my gross motor skills but when I was using my fine motor skills. -
Adolescence - cognitive development
When I became an adolescent I began to think for myself. I began to recognize what type of person I wanted to be. One thing that stands out is my choice to become a vegetarian. I have loved animals my whole life and at my age at the time that was a huge choice to make. -
Adolescence- Physical development
I developed physically much later than my peers and it had a major effect on me. I got made fun of a lot and it hurt my self esteem and self confidence. My body image ever since has been a real problem. I developed eating disorders and it took me years to recover. -
Adolescence- emotional development
Sternberg would describe my most important relationship at this time as a "liking intimacy" or a liking relationship. -
Adolescence- physical development
When I got to Jr. High I started track and cross country. Because of this i got a lot of physical exercise. It was good for me especially because I was actually great at running. This of course changed me attitude towards exercise. It was something I was praised for and will continue to do for the rest of my life. Both track and cross country required the use of gross motor skills. -
Early Adulthood- Cognitive development
When I hit adulthood I began to really think about my future and what I wanted to be as an adult. I wanted to do everything and be everything so it was difficult to for me to decide what to do. Now that I have some sort of direction it has gotten easier. -
Early Adulthood- physical development
Now that I am an adult it is harder to fit daily exercise into my busy schedule. I work out as much as possible but it is way less than I used to. When I exercise i usual try to cardio and some strength training. Exercise is more difficult now that I am an adult. It is not as fun and it hurts much more. The activities that I do require mostly gross motor skills. -
Early Adulthood- emotional development
My current closest relationship can be described as "Romantic Love" filled with passion and intimacy. I have a romantic, loving relationship with my boyfriend. He was my best friend for a long time and has been with me ever since. We treat each other with respect and love.