Mister Winter
Season 1 "Comparative Religion" "Happy last day before winter break. Time to visit our loved ones. Some of you will travel as far as 3 miles! Don't forget to visit our winter wonderland in the quad where were giving away up to six semester of free classes. Wow, what's that sound? Is that the tip tapping of secular boots on on the roof? That must be another sign that it 'tis the season because rumor has it that non-denominational Mr. Winter is on his way to the student lounge." -
Season Two "Accounting For Lawyers". Worn for Pop-and-Lock-toberfest. -
Dean Gaga
Season Two "Epidemiology" Worn as a halloween costume. "Chef Gaga doesn't reveil her caterer... and don't try to read my p-p-p-poker face." -
Season Two "Celebrity Pharamcology 212" Worn for a special meeting at the Ramada. -
Uncle Sam
Season Two "Intro to Political Science" Worn for the Student Body Presidential Race, -
Season Two "Custody Law and Eastern European Diplomacy" -
Brazilian Carnival Dancer
Season Two "Paradigms of Human Memory" -
Cat Suit
Season Two "Paradigms of Human Memory" Worn for Feline Aids Day -
Tina Turner
Season Two "Paradigms of Human Memory" Worn for Daylight Savings. "It's time to Tina Turn-er your clocks back." -
Scarlett O'Hara
Season Two "Paradigms of Human Memory." Worn for the School's Cotilion. "Frankly my dear, I don't give a dean." -
Season Two "Paradigms of Human Memory" Worn for the opening of the School's salad bar. -
Season Two "Paradigms of Human Memory" Worn to raise money for the Music Department. "The music department is flat Baroque." -
Season Two "A Fistfull of Paintballs" and "For A Few Paintballs More" -
Serious Dean
Season Three "Biology 101" Worn to show how Greendale is going to be more serious this year. -
Devil Dean
Season Three "Horror Fiction in Seven Spooky Steps" "Devil here! Just stopping by here for a little damnation orientation, here's the sched: at 10 you'll be buried neck deep in scorpions, at 11:15 lava enemas, followed by Pilates! Pilates is the demon that eats your genitals." -
Witch Dean
Season Three "Horror Fiction in Seven Spooky Steps" -
Tron Dean
Season Three "Advanced Gay" Worn to Pierce's "Gay Bash" -
Season Three "Virtual Systems Analysis" Demostrating having Good news and Bad news. -
Can-Can Dancer
Season Three "Course Listing Unavailable". Worn to deliever the news that Biology has been Can-can-cancelled.