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Dealer's Choice

  • Place Book Bags In Cubbies

    Place Book Bags In Cubbies
    Make sure to remember to grab your white binders.
  • Turn White Binders in with Ms. Livengood

    You will then sit down and complete the next activities until called upon.
  • Complete Math Assignment

    Complete Math Assignment
    If already completed you will work on Zearn
  • Work on Reading Intervention with Ms. Livengood

    Work on Reading Intervention with Ms. Livengood
    You will be called up by Ms. Livengood and you both will go over your reading from the night before and then pick out a new book to read with Ms. Livengood as well as reading with someone at home.
  • We Will Now Begin Our Reading Mastery and Group Readings

  • Bell Will Ring

    Bell Will Ring
    You will close you computers and listen to the pledge and the announcements.