Deaf History

  • Deaf School

    Clerc & Gallaudet established the first Deaf School in the U.S.
    (Zimmerman & Horejes, 2016)
  • Private Deaf School

    Private Deaf School
    Iowa's first school for the Deaf was founded by Edmund booth and William E. Ijams in Iowa City. School for the Deaf
  • School relocated

    Iowa's school for the deaf was relocated to Council Bluffs. This location was chosen because it was easily accessible by railroads.
    School for the Deaf
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    Visual Language

    In the 1960s, there was evidence supporting the benefits of sign/visual language being used with deaf/hard of hearing individuals (Spencer, 2016).
  • TTY

    To provide greater access to deaf people, the first public display of a TTY happened in 1964!
    Relay SD
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    In the late 1960s, S.E.E.2 was developed by Geri Lee Gustason
    (Rendel et al., 2018)
  • Cued Speech

    developed by Dr. Cornett to help support literacy skills for deaf students.
  • S.E.E.1

    was introduced by David Anthony
    (Rendel et al., 2018)
  • Rehabilitation Act

  • Public Law 94-142

    Also known as the Education for All Handicapped Children Act (EAHCA) guarantees free, public education to ALL children ages 3-21. (Zimmerman & Horejes, 2016)
  • BAHA

    The first person, located in Sweden, received a BAHA.
    BAHA video
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    Hearing Aids

    digital processing chips were used in hearing aids and were able to be tuned to individual users (Spencer, 2016).
  • Individuals with Disabilities Act

    Individuals with Disabilities Act
    Ensures children with disabilities receive a free appropriate public education (FAPE) in the least restrictive environment (LRE).

    (Zimmerman & Horejes, 2016)
  • Identification/Intervention

    In 1994, it was recommended by the Joint Committee on Infant Hearing and well as the United States Center for Disease Control that hearing loss should be identified by 3 months of age and intervention started by 6 months of age (Spencer, 2016).
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    Digital Hearing Aids

    in the mid-1990s, almost all hearing aids were digital and could be individually programmed